Year 2 – Term 6 Week 1


  • We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a waterproof coat each day.
  • Please continue to use Bug Club books, as well as those your child is bringing home. 
  • We will be starting to learn songs for our play next term. Once the children have voted for and been allocated a part, we will send an email asking you to provide a costume. Please expect this email in Week 1, Term 6. 


The children have loved this final week of term that has been filled with so many exciting activities. They were fantastic mathematicians and chefs on Wednesday consolidating their knowledge of weight, capacity and measure by baking cheese scones. We were very impressed with their culinary skills. We also finished our year group book The Tin Forest with some drama, postcard writing and finally a piece of beautiful artwork. The children created contrasting pictures using new shading skills to create a tin forest and vibrant coloured pop out pictures to represent animals and life in the new forest.

Star of the week

Class 7 – Caian

Class 8 – Thomas

Class 9 – Ruben

Term 6, Week 1

To watch the Week 1 whole-school assembly with Mrs Fricker click here



We are going to be introducing a new book to the children and using this as a writing stimulus for the next 3 weeks. The story is called Lila and the Secret of Rain. This week, we are going to be acting the story out and then sequencing the events in a story map. The children will then have a chance to rewrite the story. When they rewrite the story, they will be focusing on making sure they use capital letters and full stops, subordination and coordination, spelling many words correctly and making sure their work is neat. 


In reading, we will be hearing the children read individually to assess the skills they have secured and to identify their next steps. The children will also have the opportunity to share stories with friends and engage in book talk.

Focus spellings:

We will practise spelling words with the following spelling patterns: wr, tch, tion, u spelt o and the un suffix.


In grammar, we will recap writing in the past and present tenses, check our understanding of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs and practice punctuating sentences correctly.


In maths this week we are going to be consolidating our knowledge of multiplication by revisiting some key topics. We will be making equal groups, using arrays and practising our 2,5 and 10 times table. On Friday we will having a whole school maths day where we will celebrate reaching 150 on our daily count. Children have been asked to bring in items that might represent 150 e.g. £1.50 – please see the email for more information. 


In RE, we are going to be recognising religious symbols and pictures and will be talking about them as a class.


We are going to start learning the songs for our end of year play!


We are starting a new Jigsaw topic called ‘Changing me’. We will be launching this by learning about lifecycles in nature. 


We are going to be comparing two contrasting places; Kenya and England. We will be looking at key physical features and using the following vocabulary: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather.


Alongside our usual PE lessons, the children will have a chance to dance around the maypole this week!

Please click here to access the planning if you are self isolating.

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