Reception – Term 3, Week 3


  • Thank you to the parents who volunteered to help us on the walk in Week 3.
  • If your child completes one of the sides of their bookmark, please alert your child’s class teacher.
  • Children need to bring their book bag into school every day. If they do not have it on a Monday, they will not be able to have a new reading book. 
  • We would like you to support your child to hold their pencil correctly when they are using them at home. Children should be using a tripod grip. Click here to see a BBC Bitesize video about how to hold a pencil.
  • Please do not allow your child to play with the resources that are on the Reception patio in the morning. These have been carefully positioned and are there to support your child’s learning during the school day.


This week, we have been lucky enough to have more visitors come into school to tell us about their jobs. The children have loved hearing about their roles within the community. We heard from someone who helps to make engines, a structural engineer and a police officer. The children also continued to enjoy using the role play items that Dave, the firefighter left with us for a few weeks.

Star of the Week 

Daffodil – 

Daisy – Isla 

Buttercup – Imogen

Greenhill Academy: Star of the week

Active Travel Week 2023

As a school, we want to be really mindful of how we travel to and from school; protecting our environment through reduced vehicle emissions and increasing physical activity to further benefit health.

We launched our initiative last Friday, 13th January 2023. It was great to see so many children walking, scooting and cycling to school! It was great to give out so many badges to all those who participated.  

We would love for you to continue your start to an active 2023 by trying to travel to school in an active fashion for the entirety of this week beginning 16th January 2023 for our Active Travel Week.  Remember that if you live further away, please feel free to park at least 5 minutes away and walk, scoot or cycle the remainder of your journey. The children will receive a sticker for each day that they participate in our active travel week and if they manage to collect 5 stickers, they will receive a certificate in our celebration assembly on this Friday,  20th January.

If you have any questions please contact Miss Aviss via the Office.

Tapestry – Observation request

The focus this week is Communication and Language. We would like each child to send in a photo of their favourite book (fiction or nonfiction). In school, we will show these pictures and the children will be encouraged to give us a verbal overview of the book. You could practise this at home too!

You can also send us any moments that you feel are significant in your child’s learning or want to share with your child’s class teachers.

Click the links below to find out how to add observations from different devices. 

Apple device

Andriod device


This week’s learning:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This week, continuing our “Goals and Dreams” theme, we will be setting ourselves goals to work towards.

Communication and Language

This week, the children will be introduced to the story ‘Me on the Map’ by Joan Sweeny. The children will be asked questions about this book to develop their comprehension and will have the opportunity to act the story out. 

Word of the week: Landscape – please talk about the meaning of this word with your child and point out any landscapes you see.

Physical Development

We will be going on an imaginary walk to places children suggest for our PE warm up. This will complement our Active Travel Plan and our Drawing Club work. Then we will be practising our gymnastic shapes on apparatus in a game of hide and seek. We will also be continuing with Write Dance.


This week we will be revisiting our phase 3 phonics and becoming masters in previously learnt digraphs and trigraphs. 


This week we are writing about an imaginary walk we have been on. Using our imagination to describe what we have seen e.g. monsters, unicorns or teddy bears. 


In Maths this week, we are going to be continuing to think about the composition of numbers up to 5. We will be focusing on number bonds to 5. Number bonds to 5 are two numbers that together, make 5, for example 2 + 3 = 5. The children will be supported to become fluent in these number facts and they will be encouraged to recall them quickly.

Understanding the World

We are going on a walk around the local area past the park, doctor surgery, cinema, shops and library. We will be like spiders linking this learning with our knowledge of maps. We will also be thinking about older and newer buildings, natural and built up features. There will be lots of opportunity for children to make maps.

Religion and Worldviews

Continuing our Unit “Why are some times special?” we will be finding out about how the Lunar (Chinese) New Year festival is celebrated, as well as making dragon or lion masks and having a go at dancing with them!

Expressive Arts and Design

This week we will be learning about Chinese New Year. We are going to design and make our own Chinese New Year Dragons using a range of media. 

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