Year 1 News- Term 2, Week 2

Week 2 has been a fantastic week of new learning opportunities for year one.

In maths we have been applying our knowledge and skills we have learnt in our focus on numbers 0-10 and have been applying these to work with bigger numbers 11-20. We have been looking closely at place value, links, patterns and bonds. We have been ordering and comparing the numbers,
writing them in numerals and words to practice out number formation and using mathematical language such as ‘greater than, less than and equal to’ when comparing and ordering. We have looked at the less than and more than symbols (< and >) and have used these to compare numbers in number sentences. (We talked about a good way of remembering this by thinking of the symbols as crocodile jaws and that the crocodile always ‘eats’ the greater number!). Please see the following links to support this learning that you can watch with your children at home.

number jacks 11-20
number blocks out of order
tens and ones- (focus on 11-20)
(option if didn’t watch last week: number jacks one more one less : )

‘Send for a Superhero’ by Michael Rosen is our focus book of the week. We have produced some fantastic writing where we have focused on using conjunctions such as, ‘because, or, and or but’ and describing characters from the book using adjectives, particularly those that end in the suffix- y such as ‘filthy’ and ‘messy’. We also discussed ‘compound words’ (words within words) particularly those that end with the suffixes ‘ful’ and ‘less’ (such as’ fearless and ‘powerful’). The children were brilliant at thinking of these impressing teachers across the year group!

We also took the opportunity to celebrate official ‘outdoor learning’ day where we had an afternoon dedicated to exploring our outdoor area freely, taking in our surroundings and linking to our science
learning from last term around our season of autumn. This prompted some rich discussion around the changes we have noticed so far over the half term break including the change in the clocks and the outcome in weather differences. We made rangoli patterns with materials outside linking our RE learning and had a story and snack under the tree with blankets and discussed hibernation. We collected leaves, twigs and made collages afterward.

In our PSHE Learning we are moving on from last week’s learning looking at similarities between ourselves and our friends to looking at differences. Discussing what makes us unique and that it makes us special to be different and that individuals are all special in different ways. The children
managed to do this sensibly and maturely raising some lovely questions and praising peers for what they liked and recognised as different to ourselves.

In RE we have looked at the story of Muhammed learning about why he is an example for us to follow and the story he told. We had a go at writing his name in Arabic and learnt about the importance of Arabic in the Muslim faith.

In phonics this week we have looked at alternative sounds including ‘ue’ ‘ew ‘ou’ and ‘ow’. Please see the link to follow to spot these sounds in words. Children can practice by adding sound buttons and blending the sounds to say the given word as we practiced doing in our phonics sessions.
Children can then verbalise sentences with the words in to strengthen comprehension.

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