Year 1 News- Term 2, Week 3

Week 3- Another busy and wonderful week for Year One! We have been working our socks off as usual and making the most of the cold but sunny autumnal weather.

For our topic learning in PSHE, we have been continuing discussion around similarities and differences between ourselves and our peers in our classes. In RE we have discussed what Advent means, what it looks like for Christians, how different people might celebrate advent and some of the things that are the same across faiths for different religious people. We each wrote one particular aspect we were looking forward to around the time of advent on a holly leaf for our in class advent wreath displays.

In our PE and Dance sessions this week we have been focusing particularly on balance and coordination practicing our jumping, both individually and with others to our let’s move weather podcast. We plan to master our skills in preparation for the use of applying them on physical apparatus in the upcoming weeks. This week we have also taken part in a coding session, in which we have learnt and understood what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices. We have also attempted to Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs. We loved having the opportunity to use our chrome books in small groups to be able to do this and did so sensibly and with great care!

In geography we have looked at position and direction and have had a go at drawing a simple map of our school. We enjoyed doing this and contributed lots of fantastic previous knowledge and ideas around direction and position, impressing our teachers! We also discussed and learnt what a key is used for on a map and how to create one for our own.

In maths this week we have been continuing our focus on numbers 11-20 and have looked at comparing and ordering single numbers and groups of numbers within 20 using the language ‘less than’ and ‘greater than’ as well as using their symbols when recording in our books (< and >). We have been working super hard at this and referring to the previously mentioned crocodile strategy in order to prompt our memory and to ensure we are using the correct symbol!

In English this week we have been recapping our long vowel sounds (a, o, e, I, u) and all of the alternative pronunciations we have learnt so far. For our writing tasks we have produced some beautiful writing in the structure of an email around our book we continue to base our learning around ‘Send for a superhero’ by Michael Rosen. The children used their persuasive writing skills to pretend to be ‘Brad 40’ and convince the Mayor to send help to rescue the community from the baddies!

We hope you have a fantastic and well rested weekend.

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