Year 2 Learning. Term 5, Week 6.

Congratulations to and Good Luck to Miss Aviss for her wedding last week and this half term. We hope the weather continues to treat you well and we can’t wait to hear all about it when Mrs Aviss returns!

Our final dress rehearsal on Friday morning outside was amazing for our Maypole dancers. Reception came to watch to be our first audience! They certainly then did not disappoint on Saturday for the main event! You were all amazing and should be very proud! The maypole dancers have had considerably less rehearsals than previous years due to our damaged school hall. You are all stars!

Excellent singing from our wonderful choir too. You were fantastic and really made such a huge contribution to the May Fair celebrations Thank you to Miss Eskell too.

This week we will be visiting the Juniors twice for playtimes, one just Year 2 joining Years 3 and 4 and the other as a whole campus, all of the Juniors and Infants and children from Claremont School (Weather Permitting). On Tuesday afternoon we will also be going over to the Year 3 classes for a ‘Reading Buddy’ time. We will be going over as a year group.

Important Dates for Year 2 in Term 6. All dates are subject to change and more details will be out nearer the time of each event, but here are the dates set at this time to help you with forward planning…

There will be more we’re sure, so watch this space! A busy yet exciting and fun term.
The more formal transition swap to the Juniors will be on the morning of the 24th June but there will be lots of less formal times that we will go over to the Juniors and they will come over to us throughout Term 6. This week we are going over to read and then have a playtime with Year 3.

Phonics Screening practice  for retakers of test in June including pseudo words.
1 Review apostrophes for contraction 
2 Teach the apostrophe for possession 
3 Review compound words
Words for reading and spelling: plant    prove   steak    pretty    sugar    could

Writing:  Writing Recounts and Scientific reports
Session 1:
Write up about May Fair or visit from author last week.
Session 2: Look at our floor book and the observations that have been made. Look at the seeds currently and what they are showing like now. (wk4). Look back at investigation plans and predictions. Were there any surprises? Follow a set structure to write-up your findings.
Session 3: 
Complete science write ups and include some labeled diagrams and pictures. Move onto editing.
Session 4:
Handwriting and complete editing work from this week.

Using last year’s Paper 1 Reading Assessment as practice for written responses to comprehension questions. Focus: Non- Fiction
Phonics and reading assessments and a look at criteria for moving book band levels

Recap o’clock, half past and quarter past and quarter to
Tell the time to the hour
Tell the time to 5 minutes
Know how many minutes are in an hour
Know how many hours are in a day
Complete Time related problem solving
Complete an assessment of this unit

R & WV Continuing theme of Special places – Look at the Synagogue
Art Assessment Observational pencil drawings of flowers/plants using the techniques taught this term
PSHE Celebrating my special Relationships +Assessment of Term’s unit of work
PE/ SHINE Assessment of ball skills, Throwing and Catching and Balance.
Music/Singing Start to learn songs for Y2 singing event with local schools.
Geography Contrasting Places, UK and Colombia. Final session. Recap about Bristol – a city in England and the work we did in Year 1. Learn about Bogotá – a contrasting city in Colombia. Look at the similarities and differences.

Due to Year 1 being on a trip this Friday there was no celebration assembly last week. We will be having a special one at the end of this week (end of term) and will post the stars and reading awards on the next blog post.

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