Learning Year 1 Week 6, Term 5

Thank you to all the parents who so kindly helped on our trip. We all had an AMAZING time. Thank you.

This is the final week of term. Children are invited to wear non-uniform on Friday and to bring in a contribution to FHIS.

Monday 3rd June – Back to school, start of Term 6
w/b Monday 10th June – Year 1 Phonics Screening
Tuesday 18th June – Sports morning
Friday 19th July – Last day of school before summer holidays
Monday 22nd July – INSET day
Tuesday 23rd July – INSET day

  • Please make sure your child has a coat in school every day. We will go outside even when it is raining.

This week we are doing a recap of our phase 5 sounds
Mon.       ay  ou  ie  ea   (oh   their)
Tues.       oy   ir   ue    ue   (said   so)
Wed.       aw    wh     ph    ew    (Mrs)
Thurs.     a_e    e_e    i_e    o_e   (some  come)
Fri.          u_e   ue   ew   (asked)
We will also be reading some pseudo (alien words) in preparation for our phonics screening check next term.
Session 1 – Write a recount of the trip to the SS Great Britain. What did you learn?
Session 2 – Research for fact files about Brunel with adjective focus
Session 3 – Write Brunel fact files
Session 4 – Handwriting

This week we are going to be focusing on halving and quartering amounts by sharing.

We will then be looking at the link between doubling and halving as inverse operations.

At the end of the week we will be doing some assessment of our learning in maths this term.

Shine PE-  Outdoor Athletic Skills
Jasmine – PE – ball/agility skills
R+WV Hindu Creation Story
PSHE Relationships: Celebrating my special relationships
Music To understand pulse and clap different rhythms
History – Victorian Times – what was life like for a Victorian child?

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