Year 2 Learning. Term 6, Week 1

We have such an exciting term ahead of us! Seven weeks of hard work, transition times with the Juniors and most of all, lots of fun!

Maple Class will visit the Junior School this week for assembly and a playtime.

Here are some dates we published at the end of last term. We will add to them as we go through the term but we wanted to give you as much notice for the things that parents are invited to especially. As we said last term, some dates and times may be subject to change but we will try to give you as much warning as possible. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Session 1: Practice CEWs and commonly misspelt words from class
Session 2: Practice challenging words from our own spellings
Session 3: Spell words using a range of suffixes


Session 1: Using the text, Lila and the secret of rain, allow children to become Immersed in the text. Look at the vocabulary used and take descriptive words and ideas which can be ‘magpied’. Create a bank on working walls and add to this in books.
Session 2: Sequencing and mapping of the story – consider making a change to the story. What could you change about the story to make it your own?
Session 3: Story retell – Retell the story as it is or make changes to create your own version.
Session 4: Complete Story retell and editing. Can you think of an alternative title?
Session 5: Handwriting

Reading Assessments – Comprehension and Fluency
Phonics – Decoding and Blending

Make tally charts. Understand the symbols used and their meaning. Reinforcements of counting in 5s
Put data into tables and begin to make interpretations and compare data
Create Block diagrams from a set of simple data
Arithmetic Assessments for end of year

Music – Learning Songs for our Year 2 shared singing experience at Trinity Academy later in term.
Art – Sculpture -Research and Plan To observe shape, form and space in natural and man-made objects – to be aware of the work of craftspeople and artists who use natural and man made objects. Artists to research: Andy Goldsworthy and Subodh Gupta
R+WV – Why are some places special? Look at the Special place -The Mandir (Hindu Temple)
EYFS – Changing me – Looking at different Life cycles in nature. Which are similar to humans and which are different. Explore and why.
Science – Assessments of Unit on Plant growth, knowledge and scientific Enquiry skills.
PE/SHINE PE – Outdoor games using balance and throwing skills learnt this year. Preparation of different activities for our Sports morning coming up later in the term.

Reading for the Stars

Silver Award
Sycamore Class –
Chloe Francois

Gold Award
Maple Class – Archer Annabelle Alex Hannah Oscar
Sycamore Class –
Sophie Etta

Head Teacher’s Award
Maple Class – Suri Ivy Joe Taylor Leon Sofie Sienna
Sycamore Class – Emily Emilia

Maple Class – Esmee
Sycamore Class – Zac

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