Learning Term 6, Week 1

Welcome back! We can’t quie believe we have reached the final term of Year 1. We have an exciting term lined up!

Next week we will be carrying out our Phonics Screening in Year 1. This is a national check but it is done in a low key way so sholdn’t feel like a big thing to your child. Any questions please do ask your child’s class teacher though.

Monday 3rd June – Back to school, start of Term 6
w/b Monday 10th June – Year 1 Phonics Screening
Thursday 13th June – Class photos
Tuesday 18th June – Sports morning. Parents welcome to join. Weather permitting. Approximately 9:30-11:30
Monday 17th June – find out new classes for next year.
Monday 1st July – Open evening – a chance to come and look at your child’s work in their current class and also visit their new classroom.
Wednesday 10th July – Annual Reports out to parents
Friday 19th July – Last day of school before summer holidays – non-uniform
Monday 22nd July – INSET day
Tuesday 23rd July – INSET day

Phonics: phonics revision
In Term 6 week 2, your child will completing the statutory phonics screening check. This week we will be doing lots of fun activities around alien (pseudo) and real words.

Our writing this week will be based around the book…

This week we will be doing some very special writing and art about our dads! This will be sent home next week ready for Father’s Day. We understand that not everybody celebrates this day so all chn will be able to create writing and art for a special adult in their lives as an alternative option.

Over the next 2 weeks we will be focusing on addition and subtraction within 20. This week we will be:
-recapping addition and subtraction within 20 using concrete resources and a number line.
-looking at how known addition and subtraction facts within 10 can help us to know equivalent addition and subtraction facts within 20.
E.g. 2+3=5 so 12+3=15, 2+13=15, 3+12=15, 13+2=15
8-3=5 so 18-3=15
-finding the difference betwen 2 numbers and starting to link this with subtraction.

PE-  Outdoor Athletic Skills (sports day practise!) 

Jasmine – PE Agility skills

R+WV What is special about each season?

PSHE- Changing Me! – Life cycles

Music – Use percussion instruments to perform rhythm patterns and selct a rhythm to perform an oscinato rhythm (contiung that rhythm)

Science Life Cycle of a Butterfly. Introduce caterpillars and recall what they need to grow healthily and how we need to look after them. Discuss what they think is going to happen and the time scale for this.change. Make predictions. Make similarities to what we found out about what plants need to grow healthily.  

Stars of the week
Cherry – Thea
Bluebell- Assaf
Daffodil- Everyone!

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