Year 2 Learning. Term 6, Week 2.

PSHE: At the start of the week, please send your child in with some photos of an older person in your family. Please include a picture when they were young and a picture as they are now. These photos will support our teaching of ‘growing from young to old’.

Some children will be taking part in the Phonics Screening Check this week. If your child is involved you will already have been contacted by your class teacher.

This Thursday is our Class Photograph day.

Please make sure you have paid for our singing event next week (Friday) to Trinity Academy where we will be singing together with other Year 2 children from local schools. Children will need a packed lunch on this day.

Sycamore Class will visit the Junior School this week for assembly and a playtime.

Some Year children will be completing the re-sit of the Phonics Screening Check
Spellings: Each class will be revisiting spelling patterns that children are showing difficulties with.

Session 1: Make a punctuation Poster. Tell the readers what the punctuation looks like and how and when it is used.
Session 2: In books write draft of Father’s Day inside text for a card.
Session 3: Revise suffixes learnt this year and in Year 1, based around words from last week’s text.
Session 4: Father’s Day Card Inserts – Write out neatly presented finished text for card.
Session 5: Handwriting – Further introduce the final joins using CEW spellings for practice. Correct formation is key to succeeding with the joins.

Complete comprehension assessments of both non-fiction and fiction texts.

Reasoning and Problem Solving Assessments
Continuation of Statistics unit:
Drawing and Interpreting pictograms (1,1)

Art/DT Make sculptures in small groups outside using natural materials. Take photos. Evaluate sculpture – Could it have been better if?…
PE/SHINE PE Preparations for Sport’s Day next week. Throwing and Catching and Balance are the key skills being explored.
Art Follow instructions to make an origami card for Father’s Day
PSHE Growing from young to old
** At the start of next week, please send your child in with some photos of an older person in your family. Please include a picture when they were young and a picture as they are now. These photos will support our teaching of ‘growing from young to old’.
R+WV Preparing for our Mosque visit in Week 4

Silver Award
Maple Class –

Gold Award
Sycamore Class
– Amber

Maple Class – Elliot
Sycamore Class – Sienna M

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