Year 2 Learning. Term 6, Week 3

Highlighted events are for this week
**Remember that children need a packed lunch on Friday.

SENDCO (informal) meetings: SENDCO Coffee Chats:
This is a chance to have an informal chat with our interim SENDCO, Lacey Flook and Assistant SENDCO and ELSA Annabel Corbett about anything SEND related! You do not need to have a child with any specific needs, you may just have questions or concerns or want to find out a bit more about what we do to support children across the school and other services we work with. These drop-in sessions will be held in the Sunflower Room on Thursday 27th June, at the
times below. If you have children in multiple year groups then you are welcome the time that suits you best.
Reception: 9.30am – 10.30am
Year 1: 11am – 12pm
Year 2: 2.15pm – 3.15pm

Mrs Soma would like to thank the children and parents of Maple class for their kind gifts and flowers. She was really disappointed that she was unable to see the children before she has left on maternity but is hoping to bring in her baby to meet us all before the end of term.

Spelling: Revision of spelling patterns in relation to spelling assessments completed.
Session 1: Write their own view about their learning this year for their school report.
Session 2: CEW and High Frequency Words Spelling Practice – Differentiated according to need and ability. Challenge: Word Searches of Year 2 CEWs.

Draw pictograms (2, 5, 10)
Interpret pictograms (2, 5, 10)
Additional: Colouring by using a key for answers using the operations of Multiplication/Division or Addition and Subtraction

PSHE – The changing me
PE – Sports Day (Tuesday morning, 9:30 – 11:00 am – Parents Welcome, Weather Permitting)
SHINE PE – Athletics – Core Body Strength, Throwing and Catching, Balance
Music – Y2 Singing Event with other local schools – Trinity Academy – Friday – Packed Lunch needed
German – As part of transition with the Juniors, a teacher from there will come to teach each class a session of German to give them a taster!
Science/DT – Design the ‘perfect’ bug hotel for a range of minibeasts. Investigate the needs of different bugs and different materials that could be used.
History – Investigate the Windrush journey. Listen to people and their stories, who came to our country on Windrush.

Introduce the story of the Year 2 play and discuss the different characters so that children can have a think about possible parts they would like to play.

Silver Award
Sycamore Class
– Evie

Gold Award
Maple Class –
Joe Watts
Sycamore Class –
Sienna Cameron

Maple Class – Oscar
Sycamore Class – Amber

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