Year 1 Learning – Week 2, Term 6

Last week we received our baby caterpillars. We are looking forward to watching them grow and change for our investigation into looking at the lifecycle of a butterfly.

This week we will be carrying out our Phonics Screening Check. This will just take part during normal lesson times and will feel like a normal activity that the children are already used to doing with their teachers. Please do speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any questions about this.

w/b Monday 10th June – Year 1 Phonics Screening
Thursday 13th June – Class photos
Tuesday 18th June – Sports morning (see below for more details). Parents welcome to join. Weather permitting. Approximately 9:30-11:30
Monday 17th June – find out new classes for next year.
Wednesday 26th June – Children go to their new classroom with their new teacher
Monday 1st July – Open evening – a chance to come and look at your child’s work in their current class and also visit their new classroom.
Wednesday 10th July – Annual Reports out to parents
Friday 19th July – Last day of school before summer holidays – non-uniform
Monday 22nd July – INSET day
Tuesday 23rd July – INSET day

Sports day 2024

Sports Day will be taking place in the morning of Tuesday 18th June on the junior school field. Please can you ensure that your child has a PE kit (white t-shirt and shorts/leggings) in school and appropriate sports footwear. They must also have a sun hat and be wearing all-day sun cream. The events will begin at 9:30am and we will aim to finish at 11:30am (after the parents race!)

Phonics: Phase 5c and Phonics Screening Assessments
We will be recapping phonics taught this year.


Our writing this week will be based around the story ‘Pig the Pug’ By Aaron Blabey

We will be creating character profiles this week. Our main writing will be around researching information to create our own imaginary pet and give it a problem like Pig Pug has in the story.

Reading: We will read non-fiction books about animals, including ‘Animals All Around Us’. We will also be using this to link to our science and animal classification.

Mental maths focus:
Count forwards and backwards within 100
1 more/less within 100
10 more/less within 100
Addition and subtraction within 10
Doubles recall
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
Main learning objectives:
We will be loking at related facts within 20 and using this to help us recognise addition and subtraction are inverse operations.

We will then be using this to help us solve addition missing number problems within 20 (e.g. 12 + ___ = 17). Then move onto solving addition and subtraction word problems.

PE and Shine PE- Sports day practise!

R+WV – Why is our world special?
Talk about what we have learnt so far.
Talk about what we find interesting or puzzling.
Show respect for different views

PSHE – Changing Me 
We are comparing how how we were as a baby to how we are now and explaining some of the changes that will happen as we get older.

Science- classifying animals into groups (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish)

Stars of the Week:
Cherry Class – Raffy
Bluebell Class – Sully
Daffodil Class- Imogen

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