Year 1 Learning – Week 4, Term 6

Well done for a fantastic morning of sport last week. Thank you to all the grown ups who came to support. Well done to yellow team!

Thursday 27th June – Children will have a chance to go to their new classroom with their new teacher
Thursday 27th June – SENDCo Coffee Morning (information below). Year 1 slot: 11am – 12pm
Monday 1st July – Open evening – a chance to come and look at your child’s work in their current class and also visit their new classroom.
Wednesday 10th July – Annual Reports out to parents
Friday 19th July – Last day of school before summer holidays – non-uniform
Monday 22nd July – INSET day
Tuesday 23rd July – INSET day

SENDCO (informal) meetings: SENDCO Coffee Chats: This is a chance to have an informal chat with our interim SENDCO, Lacey Flook and Assistant SENDCO and ELSA Annabel Corbett about anything SEND related! You do not need to have a child with any specific needs, you may just have questions or concerns or want to find out a bit more about what we do to support children across the school and other services we work with. These drop-in sessions will be held in the Sunflower Room on Thursday 27th June, at the times below. If you have children in multiple year groups then you are welcome the time that suits you best. Reception: 9.30am – 10.30am Year 1: 11am – 12pm Year 2: 2.15pm – 3.15pm

Phonics: Phase 5cFocus alternatives
/oo/ could
/oo/ put
/ai/ day
/ai/ came
/ee/ sea
-Writing answers to written questions looking at the comprehension of a simple text.
-Write up our findings so far about our life cycle observations of our caterpillars in a report format.

Reading: Focus: Non- Fiction – The amazing world around us and non-fiction books about animals to link with our science animal classification.

Maths fluency/mental maths focus
Reciting days of the week and months of the year
Couting forwards and backwards within 100
Doubles and halves recall within 20
Addition and subtraction recall within 10
Our main focus over the next 2 weeks is on time.
This week we are focusing on:
-knowing, sequencing and spelling the 7 days are in our week
-Knowing and sequencing months are in the year
-Using the vocabulary related to time; before, after, morning, afternoon, evening, today, tomorrow and
-Telling the time to the neasrest hour using o’clock on an analogue clock.
-Using the vocabularly minute hand, hour hand and o’clock.

SHINE PE– Outdoor Athletic Skills

PE – Continuation of ball skills

R+WV – Why is recycling so important?

PSHE/Science– My Body – Naming body parts that make boys and girls (at birth) different.

Science– animals and their diets. Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Computing – Using the ipads to sort.

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