Year 2 Learning. Term 6, Week 7

Well nearly…1 more week to go!

Well done Year 2. You were all amazing in production of ‘Pirates v Mermaids’ last week! All stars of the future!!!

And a treat for all their hard work…Thank you FHIS for funding!

We had a visit from our local librarian who introduced this year’s challenge. Bristol Libraries Summer Reading Challenge. Click here to find out more.

Head Teacher’s Award
(To be given out Friday of this week so there is still time if you are nearly there!)
Maple Class – Joseph Elena Elliot Archer Annabelle Amelia
Sycamore Class – Riya Joey Archie Zac Sienna Edith Felix

Gold Award
Maple Class – Zohar Daisy

Maple Class – Maple Class!
Sycamore Class –

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