Year 1 Term 5 Week 2 (w.b. 27.4.19)

Your bridges were amazing and we have put lots of the pictures we received into our weekly newspaper so make sure you take a look. This week we are going to concentrate on ‘Bristol‘ as our theme. Last week you looked through a presentation and hopefully between you and your parents you spotted lots of places you could recognise. You can re-watch that clip at anytime, some of the places may be useful for your learning this week. We have had lots of fun thinking about fun and challenging activities for you to have a go at this week. Can’t wait to see what you come up with….

You should have received an email with guidance about our learning for Term 5. We are including a copy of the timetable that was sent, with this week’s learning in it. As we have already said this is not intended as a rigid timetable to follow, but more as guidance so you can see what is available and where it might fit in with your lives and way of working. The timings are approximate and depend on the activity. We hope it will bring some clarity to the expectations for each week and to see clearly the work that we are encouraging you to photo (3 pieces of work – one English, one maths and one project based) and send into our 2 Build a Profile platform so that we can celebrate your work and give some feedback.

Also we have had a request saying that it would be useful to have a pdf copy of this information to be able to print out so here it is!

English – Writing

Session 1:
Learning Objectives:
I can produce own ideas for writing and orally rehearse a sentence ready to write. I can begin sentences with a capital letter.
– I can use capital letters for the pronoun I and some I can produce own ideas for writing and orally rehearse a sentence ready to write.

Use the sheets linked below to write some sentences about our beautiful city. We have included some pictures of places you may have visited and some picture ideas here. Choose 4 and write a sentence about each of them. You can use this sheet to write on or just use the lines in your book. Here is an adjective word mat to help you.

Each sentence should include:
– A capital letter at the start.
– A capital letter for any names of places.
– An adjective.
– A full stop at the end.
– Finger spaces!
Challenge: Include a conjunction like ‘and’, ‘or’, or ‘but’. Use a suffix from last week -‘ing’

You are writing 4 sentences so make them brilliant!! Even better illustrate it with a beautiful picture! Send in a photo of your completed work.

Session 2:
Learning Objectives:
– I can use my knowledge of the phonics already taught to make plausible attempts at spelling new words.
– I can use adjectives for description and effect.

Watch the following clip, telling us all about the old folktales of how Bristol Gorge was formed and the two giants and the Princess who were the main characters.

Ask a grown up to read this version of the tale ‘Giants of Bristol Gorge‘ to you. Follow along as they read. Try to imagine the story as it is read as there are no pictures!!

Use the Main Character Sheet to look at the characters from the story. These are the images of the characters from this folktale and legend that  author Oliver Rigby and illustrator Tom Bonson came up with in their story book, ‘Goram and Ghyston the Bristol Giants’. After watching the clip and sharing the tale about these giants, describe the 3 main characters. Describe what they look like from the pictures and from the story. Remember to include adjectives about them that you can’t see. Make lists of words next to their pictures. Again, this can be done on the sheet, cut out the pictures into your book or just list the words in your book next to their names. You could even draw your own pictures! We have included some masks of the characters Avona, Goram and Gyston (click the name for each mask) that you could print off and colour to act out the story or just demonstrate the adjectives you have come up with. There is also an adjectives word list you could use here. Have some fun…remember…not full sentences today, just words in lists!

Session 3:
Learning Objectives:
– I can write a series of sentences that are sequenced to form a short narrative.
– I can re read my writing to check for sense.

There are 2 choices today. You could make a story map showing the main parts of the story or you could do your own retell of the story. You could even do both if you were feeling daring. I have included some pictures below of some previous children’s work from Class 6 so that you can remind yourselves of what a story map could look like. Be as creative as you wish. If you choose to write the retell, remember all the sentence level things to remember from earlier in the week. Include the adjectives you came up for each character. Make it as long or short as you wish. Remember the power of 5, 5 sentences can be enough.

Think about the main parts of the story whether you are doing the map or the retell:
1. Set the scene- Where does it take place? How long ago?
2. Introduce the characters – Goram, Ghyston (or Vincent) and Princess Arona.
3. Beginning of the story – Introduce the  problem – This is the contest to win the Princess’ heart.
4. Resolve the problem – Who wins? Who wins the heart of Princess Avona?
5. Is it a Happy ending?

Handwriting and Spelling 
Learning objectives:
– I can write letters that are always correctly formed and have a clear and regular size, shape and orientation. (ascenders and descenders).

Fine motor skills – Fine motor practise is fun for all children but very important for children who find pencil work tricky. Using small/ fine motor skills will help them to gain greater control over their pencil. Click here for reminder of some of the ideas shared previously around this.

Compound words. You can print off the worksheets listed below or just look at them on screen and practice writing in your book. Look each time at the 2 words which have been squished together to make  a new word. Can you think of some of your own? We have included a handwriting sheet and a look cover, write, check spelling sheet to help with your spelling. Thinking of these words as the 2 separate words can help with spelling and breaking it down. Be careful not to leave a space between them though! There is also an activity for your final English session this week which allows you to choose one word to concentrate on and have some fun with.
Compound word Handwriting
Compound word Spelling LCWC
Compound word Spelling Activity sheet
Compound words worksheet
Compound words Wordsearch

English – Phonics and Reading

Comprehension Task

Learning objectives:
I can shows understanding of word meaning through discussion.
– I can raise and answer simple questions about texts.
– Challenge: I can make inferences on what I have read.

Here is a  text called ‘Stop telling fibs!‘ There are questions that can be answered to help your comprehension of what you are reading. Again, there are 3  levels of questions so choose one that is appropriate. You can ask a grown up to ask you questions about any of the books that you are reading. Ask them questions about the books that they read too! (The answers are there too!)
Challenge: Stop Telling Fibs e-book. Please note this is a e-book from twinkl and does contain virus warnings. Alternatively you may wish to go straight to the source and search for it on twinkl. It will also need downloading rather than being able to preview online.

Daily Phonics  
Learning objectives:
I can read unknown words blended speedily and accurately using phase 5 graphemes
Watch the videos linked to below.  These have been made by the English Hub who we have been working with this year. They are great for so much of your learning and recapping of sounds already taught. Click on the hyperlinks here for a video introducing each sound: ‘ou‘, ‘ie‘, ‘ea‘, ‘oy

Daily Reading
Learning Objectives:
-I can read confidently with attention to punctuation.
-I can link some of own experiences to what I read.

Here are some texts you could look at. They are of various levels. They are ebooks from the Twinkl site so again, download them directly from there as they will not transfer to our website properly. Re-read the texts. Look at the pictures. Do these help with tricky words? Remember to keep looking at the other online resources we have already directed you to.
Brenda’s Boring Egg
We are All Different
A Monster Surprise
The Tale of Two Feathers


Daily Maths Fluency  (5 activities listed below).
Follow the powerpoint (also available as a pdf here). There is one slide per day, however there are 2 slides for Monday and Friday to make them slightly longer. These will then form the main maths activities for Monday and Friday this week (with the intention that the ‘Main maths’ activities listed below are for the other days, so there is a main activity for each day)

Main Maths Activities:
This week following on from our addition week. We are focusing on building on our subtraction skills, again using money to assist our counting. Feel free to use additional resources (that were provided last week), such as the tens frame and numberline as needed.

Activity 1: Tuesday
Learning Objective:
-To recap subtraction by counting on focusing on place value.
Download or print and complete the worksheet. Children may use practical resources, counters and tens frames as well as number lines to scaffold learning.

Optional extension:

OR this Topmarks subtraction to 20 (pictorial) complete number sentences challenge.

Activity 2: Wednesday
Learning objective:
To find the difference by counting on. Link to money and figuring out remaining money/ change.
We are continuing with subtracting within 20, then 50, then 100. Link to coins and place value following on from last weeks structure. Play shops using last week’s resources and scaffolds. This time give children some coins in order for them to buy an item and find the difference by counting ON. E.g an apple costs 40p I have 53p, how much money will I have left after purchasing the apple. (count on from 40 up to 53p). Get children to verbalise the subtraction number sentence.
Extension: Can children scribe the number sentence on whiteboard or paper?

Activity 3 Thursday
Learning objective:
– Applying skills, we have revisited so far this week and finding the difference by counting on, solve subtraction word problems in relation to coins.
Word problems involving subtraction. There are two differentiated sheets to choose from Sheet A and Sheet B (greater depth).
Please submit this piece of work to be marked through your 2 build a profile platform.

Other options/resources in relation to subtraction include:
– ‘Mathopoly’ Maths Monopoly board game- addition and subtraction within 20 (the board and score sheet can be downloaded and printed)
– Greater depth option: Maths mastery cards x 3.
– Reinforcing subtraction within 10 and forming number sentences (number blocks):
– Revisit coins resources from last week if necessary for reinforcement on representation and values).

Project: ‘Bristol – What’s Outside?’

This project has a creative theme and will involve using your imagination like the ELLI animal, the unicorn! It involves creating lots of artwork, making a piece of music and even elements of geography.

Art Project – Sessions 1 and 2. Cross curricular with Geography and English. Learning Objective
– I can use drawing, painting or sculpture to develop and share my ideas, experiences and imagination.
Art Project Introduction: Look through the powerpoint ‘Bristol Geography and Art‘ (also available as a pdf).
Building on what you already know about your city, you will be creating images of Bristol. You will be thinking about these geographical features in your pictures; human features and physical features. You can think back to last week’s video for inspiration or use your own ideas. Your writing has also been about things you love about Bristol. Which of these were human or physical features? Remember Bristol is very hilly and there are lots of woods and green spaces around. How could you show this in your picture? What are your favourite things about Bristol? Can you include these in your picture? If you would like more inspiration you could visit The Bristol Art Shop here.

Session 1: Children can create one aspect at a time and cut it out to make a collage, they can use any size paper for example an old roll of wallpaper or the back of an envelope. Use what you have at home. It is fine to do a bit then leave it and come back to it another time. There is no expectation of children to draw huge amounts of images, one careful image is just as valuable as ten.
Session 2: Take a look at what you have already drawn. Would you like to add or change anything and make it even better? Think about what you could do differently and try again if you wish. Or if you are happy with your picture imagine a different part of Bristol and have a go at drawing or representing that.
You might think to yourself…”I think I will add drawings of lots of trees because I love Bristol’s tree’s”.
Additional option: Mindful colouring by Emmeline Simpson – BalloonsoverTollBridge please see the end of the powerpoint. If you would like to use other images, already created for mindful colouring, there are plenty on the site Colour in Bristol, which has colouring sheets of the city’s iconic scenery and attractions.
Option: When sharing stories with your child you could talk about the geographical physical and human features represented on the first few pages.

Session 3: Geography Poster Challenge (cross curricular with Art and English).
Learning Objective
-I can represent human and physical features of Bristol.
This is a piece of work to submit so please do send in a photograph for your teacher to see how amazing you are!
We need a poster to tell people from around the world (and maybe further, perhaps for Beegu!); a poster to show how brilliant Bristol is. It can be any size, it could be incorporating the Art work you have already done this week. We are thinking about human characteristics like the Clifton Suspension Bridge or the Bristol Docks and physical characteristics such as the Avon Gorge and Bristol’s hills and woods. Please include both physical and human features. This poster can be any size. You could also make a picture of a hot air balloon to go in your poster, “ Wait a minute, can I see you in the basket of the hot air balloon?” says Ms Thoburn. Once finished perhaps you could display your poster in a window for everyone to see? This will cheer everyone up as they pass by. You may even spot some of your friend’s work as you go by!

Session 4: “Why is our world special?” Experiencing the world around us using our senses (R.E and Music)
Learning objectives: 
– Explore how the world around us makes us feel, and respond with art or music.
– Talk about what they find interesting or puzzling.
– Show they know that we understand more about the world by using our senses and abilities to think and imagine

Remind the children of the pictures/sounds/smells/textures they experienced last week and discuss how those things made them feel.
Explain that using our imaginations, like the ELLI Unicorn, helps us to understand more about our world and how we feel. Then either:
– Watch the clip on Vivaldi’s 4 Seasons 
– Choose a season or one of the photos of the natural world from last week and compose some music using percussion instruments – or kitchen utensils…
– You could also have a go on Purple Mash ‘2Explore’ to create some simple tunes. (this has been set as a ‘2Do’ to make it easier to find)
– Can they record their music using marks and patterns?
– Look at some artists’ work in response to the natural world (research eg Andy Goldsworthy, Richard Shilling, Claude Monet, Marjolein Bastin, Hokusai)
– Use paper and crayons/ pens/ natural objects and take a photo to create their own picture in response to a season or photo of the natural world.

PSHE – Relationships

Session 5: Being friends  
Learning objective: 
– Identify what being a good friend means to me

Can you think of names of pairs of characters from story books, movies or TV who are good friends and get on well together? Explore these a little: why do they get on well? Do they always get on? Do they ever disagree or fall out with each other? What do they enjoy doing together?Explain that, to have good friends, you need to be a good friend.What could you do to be a good friend to someone?At the moment, when we can’t meet up with our friends, how could you still be a good friend? Maybe have a phone or Zoom chat, or send them a card to let them know you’re thinking of them. Maybe you could give each other a challenge to do at home, or share ideas for activities or films you’ve enjoyed.Look at the cards here with qualities that might make a good friend. Discuss them and sort them according to whether you think they are true or false, e.g. a good friend should wear nice clothes; a good friend should be kind; a good friend should give you all their things, etc.


Learning Objective:
– I can explore fundamental movement skills, with increasing competence and confidence.
Keep up with your fitness activities. Try to exercise with your parents, grownups and families because connecting together at this time is really important. When you walk around your neighbourhood see if you can spot any Bristol Posters displayed in windows (see Art and Geography).
– PE with Joe Wicks is a super daily workout, available to live stream at 9am each day but available at any time on You tube.
– Cosmic yoga on you tube
– ‘Andy’s Wild Workouts’ on CBeebies is also good for a bit of gentle exercise, particularly if you have younger siblings trying to join in with a shorter attention span!
Family Dance Workshop for kids aged 2 – 6: Textures. Sadlers Wells have shared some wonderful shows. If you want to try dance this week you could have a look at this family dance workshop aimed at 2-6 year olds. The focus is on textures in the environment which allows you to imagine you are in different places. This links with our outward looking topic of Bristol, as well as Geographical, physical features of the Earth.

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