Year 1 Home learning – Week 3 Term 5 (wc 4/5/20)

Your work last week was amazing. Thanks to all of you who managed to send some of your wonderful learning to your profile. We have worked hard to comment on as much as we can and have tried to give you some next steps, things to work on to make your work even better. 

This week we are going to concentrate on Brunel as our theme and a mini project about VE Day. In your work over the last 2 weeks you would have seen lots of things that were designed around Bristol by Brunel. The Suspension Bridge, the railway and the SS Great Britain. So now we are going to find out more about this man and why people from Bristol and around the world are so proud of him. On Thursday we have included lots of ideas to talk about VE Day as Friday is a special bank holiday when all of Europe will be thinking about this special day, so we can find out more. There was some information in the newsletter last Friday too, so check that out if you haven’t already .

Please let us know via our class emails if you are having any problems submitting work to our 2 Build a profile. For all those who did submit work last week you should have or very soon will be receiving your feedback document. Below again is a timetable summary of this week’s learning to act as guidance only and not a strict timetable to follow. Please work with the routines that suit your family best. Please do have a look at the blog as well for each activity as there will be extra details that won’t fit on the timetable. We hope it will bring some clarity to the expectations for each week and to see clearly the work that we are encouraging you to photo (3 pieces) and send into our 2 Build a Profile platform so that we can celebrate your work and give some feedback.

Please click on the timetable below for a pdf copy of it (which also has links to the resources to try and help make it easier to navigate resources). Also a pdf of the blog is available by clicking below.
PDF Copy of the blog

SubjectSuggested work to submit
EnglishSession 3 – Writing. Words around a picture of Brunel.
MathsSession 3 – Sharing Worksheet
TopicSession 3 – PSHE: Me doing something I find calming

English – Writing

Session 1 : Grammar: Sentence Level Work- Concentrating on Sentence Structure
Learning objectives:
I can write sentences with a capital letter at the start.
-I can use a capital letter for the pronoun I and some proper nouns.
-Leaves spacing between words
-Handwriting: My letters are always correctly formed and have a clear and regular size, shape and orientation.

3 differentiated sheets to choose from. Complete the tasks to create ‘Super’ sentences. This focus on sentence structure will help with work coming up later in the week. Remember the important things a sentence needs: Capitals, Finger spaces, Punctuation.
Super Sentences Sheets
NEXT Look through the Brunel Powerpoint slides and get an idea of who Brunel was ready for the rest of the week’s learning.
Brunel Powerpoint

Session 2: Comprehension- Facts about Victorian Inventors, including Brunel
Learning objectives:
I can show understanding of word meaning through discussion.
– I can  answer simple questions about texts.
– Challenge: I can make inferences on what I have read.

Read the text at your level (choose from 3) all about Victorian Inventors or ask a grown up to read with you. Answer the questions that come after your reading. The answers are given so you can check them!
Comprehension Sheets – Victorian Inventors

Session 3: Word Level Writing – Adjectives for Brunel
Learning objectives:
I can use vocabulary appropriate to the subject matter.
– I can use adjectives for description and effect.

Click through the Brunel powerpoint again. Look at the pictures of Brunel. Use the Brunel word mat if you wish, to help think about words to describe Brunel. From what you found out in the powerpoint, describe what he looked like and his personality from the clues in the things he did. Draw a picture of Brunel in the middle of a page and write the words around him. Remember just words, not sentences.  Send a picture of your completed work to the Profile.
Brunel Powerpoint
Brunel word mat

Session 4: Sentence Level – Create a Fact File about Brunel
Learning objectives:
I can  use vocabulary appropriate to Brunel.
-I can independently include adjectives for description and effect.
-I can use the suffix ing  for my descriptions.
– Challenge: I can use a conjunction ‘and’ to join 2 thoughts together.

Look at and read with an adult one/some/all examples of Fact sheets about Brunel. Did you learn anything new? Use your word level work to help you create a fact file. You can use 1 of the 3 sheets to write on or just in your book. The sheets can be used to help on screen or you can print out and  just fill in missing words. There are 3 different levels. Choose 1.
Simple Brunel Fact Sheet
Brunel Fact sheet 1
Brunel Fact Sheet 2
Writing frame or sheets for filling in missing words

English – Phonics and Reading

Learning objectives:
I can read unknown words blended speedily and accurately using phase 5 graphemes

Watch the videos linked to below.  These have been made by the English Hub who we have been working with this year. They are great for so much of your learning and recapping of sounds already taught. Click on the hyperlinks here for a video introducing each sound:
ue as in cue
ue as in blue

Daily Reading Below are some books from The Oxford Owl. Please choose others that are appropriate. We are hoping to have a subscription soon to more levelled materials. The books below start at the easier level.
Good old Grandad!
The Orchid Thief
Oxford Owl for School and Home
The Lazy Giant

Optional Extra Comprehension
If your child enjoys the comprehension activities they could have a go at the VE Comprehension. If they would just like to read the material that’s fine too. They do not need to answer the questions.
VE Comprehension


Session 1:
Daily fluency powerpoint slide
Play Bond Builder on Numbergym
Optional extra games to play with an adult: Make a list of the number bonds you are finding tricky and need more practise with, writing quite large. Then cut them into 2 pieces so that the answer is separate from the first part of the number sentence (e.g. cut like this 4+5  |   =9). Then time yourself to see how quickly you can match them to the correct answer or turn them over and play a game of pairs or a game of snap.

Session 2:
Daily Maths Fluency – there is a slide with questions at the beginning of the video for the main activity (please pause to give children a chance to work through the questions).
Main Activity
Learning Objectives:
-To share amounts equally between different groups (a first introduction to the concept of division).
Video on White Rose to introduce the concept of sharing. Make sure you select the video in: Summer Term – Week 1 (w/c 20 April), then Lesson 3 – Make equal groups (sharing)
Sharing sheet for Session 2
Optional: Lair of Shares – very short video

Session 3:
Daily Maths Fluency – there is a slide at the beginning of the PowerPoint for the main activity.
Main Activity
Learning Objectives:
-To solve basic division problems, by sharing.
Powerpoint – modelling how to use objects to ‘share’ equally.
Sharing Worksheet for Session 3 – complete, there are additional questions available for further practise on the second page if needed. This piece is to be submitted using 2 Build a Profile.
Optional: Challenge activity

Session 4:
Daily fluency PowerPoint slide
Numberblocks video about doubling
Doubling and Halving Game – Play this game to practise recall of doubles and halves (if you can help our child make the link between halving and sharing between 2). We would be looking for them to recall facts from within the first level (within 10)
Optional: Revisit areas from the week if needed.


Session 1: History. Focus-Brunel 
Learning objectives:
-I can talk about significant historical figures.
-I can think about how life has changed over time.
Watch the video about Brunel.
He was a very clever man and invented lots of things we still use today. The age when Brunel was alive was called the Victorian age because the United Kingdom’s queen was Queen Victoria. Brunel designed lots of things including Renkioi Hospital.
Hospital picture: Have a look at this of some hospitals from the Victorian age. Talking through the things you spot which were the same and different. 
Optional Challenge:
To build your own Renkioi Hospital if you like. 

Session 2: D&T and History 
Learning objectives:
-I can develop an awareness of the past.
-I can think about how life has changed over time.
-I can design purposeful items, I can select the tools I need to make functional products.
Children who were alive in Brunel’s time, in England, would have had a very different experience of life to children alive today. Have a think about your favourite toys. Do you think children who lived in the Victorian age had the same toys as you? Ask about your mum or dad or grandparents favourite toys (not that they were Victorian children!). You could choose to make one of things below:
Thaumatrop – a Victorian toy
Top hat – as Brunel used to wear! (If you don’t have any card you could make a smaller hat for a teddy using paper).

Session 3: PSHE – Anxiety and Calming
Learning objectives:
– I know that it’s important to be able to say how you’re feeling
–  I understand that worries are normal and everyone has them
–  I understand when and who to ask for help
–  I appreciate that worries can be solved and made to go away
Discuss why it’s important to talk about feelings and follow the links to: Calming activities to tryTo be submitted: Send a picture of your calming jar, or you doing an activity which makes you feel calm.
Hear Mrs Brand read a story about being connected with our friends even when we’re apart.
Print a pack of calming activity cards

VE Celebrations

Topic Session 4: History – VE Celebrations-What is it all about?
Learning objectives:
-I can generate, develop, model and communicate my ideas through talking, drawing,and models.
-I can develop an awareness of the past.
-I can think about how life has changed over time.
Trm 5 wk 3-VE-Day-Powerpoint – Have a look at the Powerpoint and help your child to understand any unknown words or concepts. The tasks are optional on the powerpoint. You could choose to make:
Spitfire fold over glider
Design and make your own bunting to celebrate VE Day.

Optional Challenges:

  • Pick a country in Europe and cook something traditional with your family. For example pasta from Italy or apple strudel from Germany.
  • Make European flags with Lego or in drawings. Youtube has lego videos if you want ideas.
  • Learn the song Don’t Worry Be Happy with the children from the Playing for change site  You could try singing it to your grandparents, family or neighbours.
  •  Covid Colouring sheets – Safety reminders  and well being.

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