Year 2 Home Learning – Term 5, Week 3 (w.b. 4. 5. 20)

Welcome to Week 3! We’d like to start by saying a big thank you to everyone who has emailed us and uploaded work to 2buildaprofile. It has been such a treat to see so much brilliant work and we really appreciate all the positive messages about the plans and resources so far.

We have tried to make the planning a little easier to navigate this week. There will be a link to all resources at the beginning of the plans (as in previous weeks) but there will also be links within the plans to the specific resources needed for each task. Again, thank you for all of your efforts to get to grips with all of this new information.

All resources are available here.

Here is a sample timetable for this week. Watch out for the camera symbol; this means we’d recommend uploading this work to 2BuildaProfile. Remember that this is intended as a guide, not a requirement:

This timetable is available in the resources folder if you would like to print it.


Learning objective: Read a non-fiction text, answering and asking questions. Explain clearly your understanding of what is read to you.

Keep up with your daily reading for pleasure, have a go at reading this factual text about slithery slippery pythons and answer the questions. Remember to choose the level that is right for you- 1 star, 2 star or 3 star. 

Challenge: imagine you are a wildlife presenter filming a documentary in the jungle, use your python fact sheet as a script or remember as many facts as you can and have a go at presenting a piece to a family member, just like David Attenborough or Steve Backshall.  You can use other non-fiction books you might have at home if you wanted to include other animals in your piece. 


This year we have been working closely with The English hub at St Peter’s Primary in Portishead. They have produced some fantastic lessons to help Year 2s refresh their understanding of some key grammar concepts. This week the lesson is about coordinating conjunctions. You can access it here.


Task 1: Designing a Seed Packet

Learning Objective: Write a set of instructions.

Look at the seed packets. Think about the details written on a seed packet. How does the information on a seed packet differ to a recount? I.e., imperative verbs, instructional, informative, non emotional, present tense.

Design a cover for the seed packet and write a back cover for the packet, using some of the subheadings below. For some of the sections a diagram and label could be used.

Example subheadings:

  •   Name of plant
  •   Description of plant
  •   When to plant/sow
  •   Type of light
  •   When it flowers
  •   Height
  •   Position
  •   Caring for your Plant
  •  Planting Instructions …. Give a step by step guide here using sequencing words like; first, next, then, after that and finally.

Remember when writing instructions, we use ‘bossy’ (imperative) verbs, for example; put, get, plant, sow…

e.g. Caring for your Plant: Water the seed daily and keep it in a sunny and warm place.

Look out for the spelling of some relevant common exception words: plant, water, half, again, beautiful.

Task 2: Write a postcard

Resources here.

Learning Objective: Write clear sentences that form simple, coherent narratives.

If you would prefer not to use our key text this week you could write about your garden instead of the Tin forest or even an imaginary garden.

Imagine you are the old man and you want an old friend to come and visit you in the wonderful new forest that is now full of life. You decided to write them a postcard. Give a detailed and descriptive account of the types of things you do in the forest.  Remember to include fantastic adjectives to describe the wonderful sights of the forest and try to imagine some activities the old man might be doing in the forest. Below are some ideas of adjectives you might want to include. Remember to write in the 1st person as you are imagining you are the old man.

Structure your writing so it resembles a postcard. Draw a picture for the front of the postcard showing the forest’s beauty. 

Please see the powerpoint on postcard writing, the last slide shows an example of how it should look.

Choose your challenge:

  1. Write clear, well punctuated sentences with accurate spelling of common exception words (see list in resource folder if unsure), making sure you use an expanded noun phrase with some of the adjectives below.
  2. One paragraph of clear, coherent writing using co-ordination (e.g. or / and / but) and some subordination (e.g. when / if / that / because) to join clauses. As well as many of the adjectives listed (or others you can think of).
  3.  All of the above and challenge yourself to add two suffixes using –ness, -ful, -ment, -ly or –less.


Like last week, lessons 1 and 2  will use instructions from a video tutorial. Please be aware that you will need to click back on the ‘Summer Term – Week 1 (w/c 20 April)’, and scroll down to lessons 3 and 4, to find the correct tutorials. Before commencing the video ensure that your child has everything they need, including:

  • the correct ‘Flashback4’ sheet (in resources drive);
  • the question worksheet (the answer sheet is also available in the shared drive but please don’t give them this);
  • a pencil;
  • A ruler (there is a printable ruler with the Task 1 Resources if you need one).

The tutorial will ask your child to pause the video at certain points. Please ensure that they know how to do this if you are not able to sit with them. 

Daily Fluency: Tasks 1 and 2 include a fluency element. Two additional fluency tasks are available here. This week, these will focus on finding fractions of numbers.

Task 1 – Learning Objective: Measure length of pictures and objects in centimetres and draw accurately with a ruler.

Task 1 Resources

Set up the video tutorial available here. Remember to click on the Summer Term Week 1 tab and scroll to lesson 4.

You will need the Flashback4 Fluency Sheet and the worksheet. Please go through the answers with your child after they have completed the tutorial.

If your child has difficulty following the tutorial and answering the questions independently, please support them with positioning their ruler and reading the measurements.

Extension: Try the length challenges.

Task 2 – Learning Objective: To estimate and measure length in metres.

Task 2 Resources

Set up the video tutorial available here. Remember to click on the Summer Term Week 1 tab and scroll to Lesson 4.

You will need the Flashback4 Fluency Sheet and the worksheet. Please go through the answers with your child after they have completed the tutorial.

Extension: Try the Lesson 2 Challenges!

Task 3 – Learning Objective: To estimate and measure length in metres and centimetres.
Have a go at these challenge cards (aim to do at least 3).


Fitness: Please continue to start your day with Joe Wicks or something similar. You could also try Yoga which is great for improving balance, control and strength. Cosmic Kids Yoga on Youtube is fun, you are aiming for around 20 mins to 30 mins with a warm up and cool down.

You could also try this indoor workout or make up your own. Don’t forget the warm up and cool down and you are aiming for 20 mins max.

Skills: Learning Objective:  Throw and catch a ball.

Catching Technique

This week we are going to focus on catching. There is a photo opportunity to show children demonstrating the two hand positions for catching. If you don’t have a ball a rolled up pair of socks will make a good substitute! Just make sure they are clean!

Firstly warm up – any movement you like to warm your muscles, giving special attention to your arms.

  • Throw the ball into the air and catch it below your waist without dropping 10 times. Then try catching the ball 10 times above the waist. Make sure your hands are in the correct position!
  • Now try throwing the ball into the air and catching it 10 times but this time your feet cannot move. Was that harder? If you can’t move your feet then you need to be careful with your aim so use the technique for throwing that we learnt last week!
  • If you can find a partner – then try throwing and catching together. Can you throw and catch 20 times without dropping the ball? Remember to aim the ball when you throw to your partner or you will have to do lots of running to fetch the ball and use the correct hand position for a low catch or a high catch..
  • If you have a bouncy ball find a wall (preferably without a window) and throw the ball against the wall, let it bounce before you catch it. Can you do 10 consecutively?
  • For a real challenge (and you do need to be outside for this one), throw the ball as high as you can into the air and clap your hands before catching it.


Learning Objective: Recall and name different beliefs and practices, including festivals, and understand the meaning behind them.

Resources here.

On 23rd April the Muslim festival of Ramadan started and will last for a month. Look at the powerpoint presentation to learn about the festival. This year Ramdan will be a bit different because Muslim leaders are asking people not to fast so that everyone can remain healthy and strong.

Ramadan ends with Eid Al Fitr. On this day Muslims go to the mosque to pray, then they go home and the tradition is to wear new clothes, then have a big feast with special food – lots of yummy sweet treats too. After, they go and visit friends and family to give gifts and share food. This year will be different as the mosques are closed. Can you think of ways that people could celebrate Eid without leaving home?

Ramadan is an important festival for Muslims, think about other festivals that people celebrate, they could be religious, like Christmas, Easter, Diwali or Hannukah, or non-religious, like birthdays, Halloween or New Year. Write a sentence with 2 ways celebrations for Eid are like the festival you chose and one difference. Try the Ramadan word search in resources, it can help secure the specific vocabulary.


If you are growing some seeds for our science experiment remember to check to see if you can see any changes. There’s been no change to Mrs Grant’s so far!


Learning Objective: I can discuss significant global events commemorated through anniversaries.

VE Day Information

Day 1

This week there is a special Bank Holiday on Friday because it is the 75th anniversary of VE day. You can give some context to 75 by referring to a grandparent or an older person the children might know.

Look at the PowerPoint together, discuss what the children think victory means. Can they give an example of a time when they were victorious? Could be anything: winning a race, learning how to tie their shoe laces or winning a game of Monopoly. How did it make them feel? Hopefully happy, excited – maybe relieved. 

If you have a globe or a map of the world, find Europe and remember that Europe is a continent; countries grouped on major land masses. Find Germany and the UK. 

Discuss any vocabulary the children have not understood. Show them the picture of our Queen Elizabeth as a child and ask the children how they think she might have felt when she sneaked out of the Palace.

Day 2

Create an invitation for the people in your household to your own celebration. It could be a tea party in honour of Captain Tom Moore’s 100th birthday or simply a sunny day party! Think about the things that people did to celebrate VE day for inspiration and decide what you would like to do to celebrate.

Some ideas to think about:

  • Where do you want to celebrate?
  • What would you like to do?
  • Do you need to wear a special outfit?
  • What will you eat and drink?

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