Reception Home Learning w/c 8.6.2020

We hope you enjoyed last week’s learning. This week we are continuing to think about our topic ‘Journeys’ and our story ‘The Snail and the Whale’.  Click here to watch Mrs Browne read the story again.

This week, we are asking the children to write their contribution to their annual report (see writing task below). We have asked that this is emailed to us as a photograph via the class email address. With this email, we would really appreciate the parent/carer contribution too in the form of a typed comment in the main body of the same email. This is an opportunity to report on home learning and where you feel your child has made good progress (this can be academic, as well as social and emotional development, physical development, communication and language etc.). You can also comment on their first year at school and how they have settled. Talk about their interests and how they have applied themselves to their learning. You may have a funny story or experience to share! Please make sure your comments are positive. You could comment on something that you feel they need a little more practise with. We always ask for a parent comment for reports but your view is more important this year more than any other as you have been such a large part of their learning and we would like to acknowledge that.

Below is this week’s  home learning.

Thank you to everybody who sent us observations last week. We love seeing them and hope the comments have supported you to take small steps to move your child’s learning forwards. We are sorry we can’t comment on all of them but we do look at each and every one, and add them to your child’s learning profile. This week we would like you to send us the following observations:

  • Writing – Your child’s contribution to their end of year report. Sentences about the Elli animals.
  • Reading – Please send us an observation of your child reading so we can see how they are getting on with the online reading scheme. We have recently had some videos of children reading which is really great! 
  • Maths – Money in the jar worksheet. See Mathematics tasks for more details. 
  • Another of your choice. 

Phonics Tasks

Watch this week’s phonics lessons from the phonics hub: You can use your whiteboards for these activities.

  • Lesson 1 – or
  • Lesson 2 – ur
  • Lesson 3 – ow

Please recap all the phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs on the list in the shared folder. 

How many can your child recognise? Make a note of those that they still need to work on and use Mr Thornes phonics to practise them.

Click here to go to Mr Thorne Does Phonics YouTube channel. 

Phonics suggestions

  • Continue exploring the phonics blending games on the Phonics Play website. Start with Phase 3 and move onto phase 4 when you are ready. 

Click here to go to the Phonics Play website. You can play some wonderful phonics games!

Find the ‘Phase 3 Activity Booklet’ in the shared folder: Keep working through this booklet a page at a time.

Reading Tasks

It is good to see that many of you have been enjoying using the new online Reading scheme. Please remember to let us know how you are getting on and if you think the level of books available to you needs adjusting.

If you have not logged on yet please do try to find time to do this. The Bug Club is one of the schemes that we use in school so using these books will really help your child to progress in their reading ready for year 1.

Story Time

Writing Task

Our writing task this week is for every child to do a piece of writing to contribute to their end of year report.  As this work will need to be copied onto the end of year report we would be very grateful if you could email a photo of the whole page to our class email addresses so that it can be read clearly.

We would like this writing to relate to the ELLI animals that we use when we are talking to the children about how we learn. There is a picture and some information about all of the animals in the shared folder. Click here to see it.

Please look at the picture of the animals with your child and remind them how each animal helps them to learn, this could be while they are working or playing. 

Ask them:

Which animal are you like? 

When are you like that animal? Why?

We would like each child to write a sentence(s) that tells us which animal(s) they are like and why. 

EG  ‘I am like a teamwork bee because I work with my friends to build Lego models’

       ‘ I am like a …………. because I …………. When I am ……………’  

       ‘When I am ………….. I am like a ………. because I ………….’

       ‘ I am good at ……….. because I am like a ………….’

The challenge  this week is to write about as many animals as they can.

Letter Formation

  • Find the letter formation activity sheet in the shared folder – this week we are practicing oo, oa, ow, oi, or

Find more fine motor support and activities in the shared folder.

Mathematics Tasks

  • Daily number games on Number Gym: Please login and click ‘Early Maths’. You will need to enter your personal login. Click here to see instructions to log onto Number Gym. Continue to explore the games we have previously signposted for you.
  • Daily counting to 20/Daily counting back from 20.
  • Daily 1 more/1 less to 20. (E.g. 1 more than 3 is __ / 1 less than 12 is __)
  • Writing numerals to 0-20.
  • Count to 100 and sing along to this video. Click here

This week’s focus: Combining groups of 10.

This week, the children are going to be focusing on solving practical problems that involve combining groups of 10. 

  • Click here to watch the Numberblocks episode 10-50. 
  • Select an item to use for this activity (e.g. pasta, lego blocks etc). Ask your child to put 10 of the items on a plate. Emphasise there are 10 items on the plate. Ask them to write down the number ‘10’ and add 10 more. How many are there now? Ask them to write the number ‘20’ and add 10 more. How many are there now? Continue this pattern of adding 10 until you reach 50 or 100! Look back at the numbers your child has written down. What do they notice? They should notice that each number has a 0 at the end. 
  • Practise counting in 10’s with your child. There are some examples of videos you can watch in the ‘Number suggestions’ section. Find the ‘Counting in 10’s cutting’ sheets in the shared folder. Print one that will interest your child (choice of animals, fruits, aliens etc!) Your child can cut the numbers out (helping to develop their fine motor skills) and stick them in the correct order. They can then colour the pictures in.
  • Please send us an observation of your child doing this activity – Find the ‘Money in jar’ sheets in the shared folder. Print and complete pages 1 or 2 (counting the money in the jar and writing the amount). If you do not want to print the sheet you could use a jar and real money!
  • Find the ‘Money in jar’ sheets in the shared folder. The print and complete pages 5 or 6 (reading the amount and putting the correct amount of coins in the jar). You can use real money or use the cut out money at the bottom of the PDF page. 
  • Find the ‘Counting in tens PowerPoint’ in the shared folder. Start the slide show as the animations need to work. Talk to your child throughout and encourage them to write down the numerals, especially in the ‘Spilt paint’ sections!
  • Using groups of 10 objects to 10p’s, write some number sentences. See below for examples. You can write subtraction number sentences as well as addition!

Number Suggestions

Understanding the World

  • This week we are continuing to look at the story ‘The Snail and the Whale’. Last week we found out lots of facts about whales. This week can you find out some interesting facts about different snails? Some things you could find out about include: What are the different types of snails? What snail is the biggest? What do snails eat? Why do snails have shells? 
  • Some other activities you could do may include:
  • Can you find any snails in your garden? Maybe you could be very careful and keep some in a large container. You could use nail varnish to make a small print on their shells, that way when you release them in your garden you can keep an eye out for them, or search for them to see how far they have gone. 
  • Whilst you have some snails in your container, you could use a magnifying glass to explore the different parts of the snail and their shell.
  • Why don’t you see if you can race your snails, which one do you think would win?
  • If you have some back paper, place your snails on the paper and as they move, take a closer look at their trial. Can you describe it?

**Please make sure you are careful with your snails and release them in a safe place in your garden or outside space when you have finished with some of the activities.**

Expressive Arts and Design

This week can you have a go at making your own matisse snail? Cut up lots of different coloured paper/materials or any resources you may have to create your own snail shell. You could cut out your own snail body using card/paper then create the shell on top. Here is the artwork of a snail by the famous Artist ‘Henri Matisse’, which can be found in the Tate gallery in London:

  • Here are some more examples of things you could try:
  • Can you paint a picture of a snail, maybe a picture of one in your garden?

Continue to explore Purplemash and the games and activities in the Minimash area. Click here to see instructions for parents.


This week we are thinking about treasuring memories, the three main objectives this week are:

  •  I can say how I feel
  •  I can be kind
  •  I can remember good things to help me be hopeful for the future

Treasuring memories: 

  • Make a ‘memories’ treasure chest by decorating a box. You could paint it, stick coloured paper on or add buttons, sequins or decorations of your choice. 
  • Talk about happy things you can remember about your first year of school, this may include some of the things you have done at home. Put something in your treasure chest for each one – you could draw or write it on a small piece of paper; or find a small object to remind you. Feel warm and happy about each good thing as you place it in the box.

Feelings wheel. Print off a feelings wheel and stick it onto card. Colour each face. Cut out the arrow and attach it to the centre with a split pin. Point the arrow to how you’re feeling today. Talk about how you feel.

 Kindness challenge: 

  • Read the Starfish story.
  • Make a list of things you could do to be kind this week. Maybe sharing your toys with your brother or sister; or tidying up your things; or being helpful for Mum or Dad; or reading someone a story; or sending someone a card … what else can you think of?
  • Your challenge is to colour in a starfish each time you do something kind. How many can you colour in this week?

Physical Development

  • Continue with Joe Wicks daily P.E sessions daily  live at 9am. These can also be accessed at any time during the day on YouTube.
  • Learn a new game that you can play with the people in your household. This is a great opportunity to spend some time outside. Here is a game everyone can be involved with

Races of Every Kind

  • There are so many ways kids can race from one side of the garden or park to the other: one legged, three legged, backwards, crab walk, fastest, slowest. Let your kids take turns calling out the race style. 

Tennis, Anyone?

  • If you have any bats and balls in your house, why not practice hitting a ball with a bat. You can do this with other members of your house (playinging tennis or hitting and catching). A wall or garage door may also make a good practice wall.
  • Can you beat Miss Quinn in another challenge? She was able to do 15 squats in one minute- Can your child beat this? See if you can improve on this each time.
  • Take part in a yoga class, using cosmic kids. Click here for one about ‘Frank the Frog.’
  • Listen to BBC Let’s move dance routines; you can involve other members of your household with this. Click here for ‘Save the Whale’ (The Snail and the Whale).

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