Year 1 Home Learning Week 3 (beginning 15.6.20)

This week we continue to delve deeper into our  topic of Journeys, a topic that the whole school is  working on together. Year 1 and 2 will continue following a lot of the same themes, allowing for consolidation of objectives or a chance to really stretch yourself further with your learning as we get ourselves ready for transition to Year 2 over the coming weeks. Additionally to this we feel it is important to offer some materials that could be used with our children to help with discussion about black history, particularly in Bristol. I know that lots of parents have asked teachers for guidance with this important subject matter. Below again is a summary of this week’s learning to act as guidance only and not a strict timetable to follow. Please continue to  work with the routines that suit your family best. We do ask though, if your child is returning to school over the coming weeks that you do not complete work from the days suggested below on the days your child is in school as, in school  we will be following the timetable more rigidly. You should see clearly the work that we are encouraging you to photo (3 pieces) to submit into your 2 Build a Profile platform so that we can celebrate your work and give some more feedback. Work completed in school will be submitted by the teachers in the same way.  Remember that other pieces are welcome too, especially things that you are really proud of.
A copy of the blog is here.

SubjectWork to be submitted
English Session 3 – Sentences for part of the story or Diary Entry
PLUS Send session 4 questions to class email
MathsSession 3: Addition and subtraction word problems (plus if there is one of the extra challenges that you have done and would like to share)
TopicChoose one that you are proud of

English – Reading and Phonics

Daily Reading

Carry on choosing books for reading, mixed up with games and other activities aimed at the level of your child from the Pearson site. As we have said all along, books you have at home or other sites you may also have been using are still fine too. Don’t forget to let your teachers know via your class email if you feel you need the next level.

Daily Phonics and Spelling

We will carry on with the link to phonics from last week for learning and consolidation. Choose whether you want to watch a video in its entirety  or break it into parts. The videos are so good to help maintain our core English skills. Continue to use them as best fits with your routines. These are consolidation of taught sounds. As last week, if you feel your child is secure with these sounds then please spend more time on spelling of our Year 1 common exception words. We have included a list of the common exception words for Year 1 reading and spelling.
Year 1 Common Exception Words
Link to phonics videos

English – Writing

Session 1: Spelling
Learning Objectives:
-Use sight and phonic knowledge to correct spellings
Use the sheets below to look carefully at the pictures and then at the written words. Are they spelt correctly? Do they look right? Is the mistake at the beginning, middle or end of the word? Make your corrections for each spelling. Choose 1 or more of the sheets to complete. You don’t need to print them out. You could just write the corrected word into your book.
Correct the spelling sheets x4

Session 2: Character Profile
Learning Objectives:
-Write adjectives to describe a character.
-Use words collected to write in sentences, with correct punctuation, to produce a character profile.

Watch the next part of Mrs Fricker sharing more of our book. As you are watching, think more about the character of the girl in the story. What do you know about her? How would you describe her? Remember this is not just about how she looks but how she feels and more about her personality. What could her name be? Use the Adjectives sheet below to help.
Reduced Challenge: Draw the character in the middle of a page. Write what you think her name could be and then around your drawing write adjectives to describe her.
Challenge: Write a character profile about the girl. You could start with a picture and adjectives but then use them to write sentences to create a profile. You could use one of the sheets to write in if you wish.
Adjectives for characters
Video of story
Character Profile Proforma

Session 3: Retell part of the story from the girl’s point of view.
Learning Objective:

-Use adjectives to help describe the feelings of a character.
-Put yourself in the place of a character for a part in a story. Use the correct tense.
-Use correct punctuation for creating a narrative.

Following on from yesterday, think about how the girl is thinking and retell the story as if you were the girl. You could just concentrate on one part of the story and describe what is happening and how she feels. Rewatch the video and pause where you need to. Say your thoughts out loud first before writing.
Reduced Challenge: Write a sentence or a few sentences about how the girl is feeling in just one part of the story. Rewatch and pause the video on the picture that you want to concentrate on.
Challenge: Could you write a diary entry for her? This could be for just one part of the story that you choose.
Video of story
Example of a diary entry

Session 4: Questions for Year 2 children and teachers
Learning Objective:

-To think of and write a question using a question mark at the end.
Reduced Challenge: Talk through your questions with a grown up,write down 1 yourself then ask them to write the rest out for you. Remind your parents about using question marks!
Challenge: Write your own questions down after talking them through with a grown up. Don’t forget to use a ‘?’ at the end of each question.
Send your questions to your class email. We will be asking Year 2 children and teachers to answer them for us and will let you know the answers.
We will also have some questions to answer from Reception children!

Session 5 : Rosa Parks Comprehension tasks
Learning Objectives:
-To answer questions about a text they have read.
-To write a sentence as an answer to a question about a text.
Follow the link to Comprehension Tasks. There are 3 different sets of different abilities. Choose 1 to complete.
Comprehension Tasks


Session 1
Daily fluency:

Snappy maths sheet – as last week time yourself and see how many you can do in 3 minutes (addition and subtraction within 10 will be suitable for most, but within 20 also available as an option)
Snappy maths addition and subtraction within 10
Snappy maths addition within 20
Hit the button: Doubles recall game
Optional: explore more games on Numbergym

Session 2
Daily fluency:
Flashback slide to complete (answers on second slide)
Learning objective:
– to solve subtraction word problems using a number line (or counters).
Subtraction within 20 video – watch this
Subtraction within 20 sheet – use a number line to solve these (or counters to reduce the challenge slightly)
Extra challenge: Missing number subtraction sheet– to have a go at solving some questions of the form 13-?=5

Session 3
Daily fluency:
Flashback slide to complete (answers on second slide)
Learning objective:
– to identify if a word problem is addition or subtraction and record as a number sentence.
– to solve addition and subtraction word problems using a number line.
Addition and Subtraction word problems video
Addition and Subtraction word problems sheet – complete using a number line if needed (or counters for reduced challenge)
Extra challenge: ‘Always, Sometimes, Never’ cards – details included at the top.

Session 4
Daily fluency:
Flashback slide to complete (answers on second slide)
Learning objective:
– to use the symbols <, > and = to compare number sentences.
Crocodile visual reminder for the greater than and less than symbols that they have been introduced to already in school – the crocodile eats the bigger number! Will be useful for todays work.
Compare number sentences video – focuses on using the language and symbols greater than,> and less than, < and equals to compare number sentences. There are a lot of opportunities to pause this video for the children to have a go and complete questions so they can use this as their follow up piece of work for today. Please get children to record in full sentences at the ‘pause’ parts in the video either in their books or on paper. Alternatively there is a sheet below that they do instead of recording the questions from within the video.
Comparing number sentences sheet (alternative to recording answers to questions in the video)
Extra challenge: Reasoning challenges involving greater than and less than.

Session 5
Daily fluency: Games on Numbergym
Try one of the extra challenges from this week or follow up on something you would like more practise on.
Alternatively there is a fun game below called ‘Strike it out’ on nrich (it offers the chance to apply addition and subtraction on a numberline that we have been doing this week). It has a video for you to watch and try to guess the rules of the game before looking at the rules and having a go for yourself.
Strike it out


Session 1: Embrace our Differences.
To follow on from our letter on Friday we have put together some helpful resources and activity ideas for you and your child/ren which you can discuss and do together (please look at the slides without your children first to familiarise yourself with the content). You can deliver these sessions as you like and in a way that feels natural for you and your family. You do not need to look at it all at once, it can be revisited as you wish over the next few weeks.
PSHE Black lives matter

Session 2: Science Herbivores, Omnivores, Carnivores.
Learning Objectives:
– Option 1: I can use the correct words to help me to group animals by what they eat.
-Option 2: I can talk about some common features of omnivores, herbivores and carnivores and how they get their food. 

Herbivores, Omnivores, Carnivores – Powerpoint to work through.
Optional extra 1: Purplemash anima grouping activity
Optional extra 2: Perhaps you could get all of your miniature toy animals or cuddly animals and group them by what they eat.

Session 3: PSHE
Learning objectives:
–  I can say how I feel
– I can be kind

– I can try something new
Feelings – Keep making time to talk about how you are feeling. You could use the feelings wheel if you made one last week.
Wellbeing – Try some of the activities on this Wellbeing calendar
Kindness challenge – This week, choose someone to make smile. Maybe you could tell a joke to someone, or send them a card, or say Hello on Zoom Watch these children talk about being kind.
Adventuring – How do you feel about trying new things? Watch the story of The Koala who could

  • Think of something that has changed in your life. How did you feel about it?
  • Kevin is terribly good at three things: clinging, napping and munching on leaf-buns. What three things are you really good at? What skill would you like to improve?
  • Why is Kevin afraid of change? How did his friends help him?
  • What does this story teach us? What does it mean to have a ‘CAN-DO’ attitude? 
  • Can you think of something new to try?

Fill in the Koala worksheet
Read through the Brave poem poster

Session 4: Design Technology and Art
Learning Objectives:

– I can design an imaginary world, I can make a model of my imaginary world. 

Powerpoint – Art Creating Miniature Worlds.
Option 1: Creating a 2D (flat) picture.
Option 2: Creating a 3D (solid) picture, for Yr 2 and those wanting an extra challenge. 

Session 5: Finishing off/ Explore and Challenge. You might like to take on one of the challenges from this week that you haven’t tried yet or finish off a piece of work. Or you might like to follow your own ideas.

Optional extras:

  • Sunday 21st June: Make a Father’s Day card for your dad, remembering all the special things you have described about your dad during our previous learning last term. You could do some lovely writing or just draw a special picture. You could just make his day really special and spoil him with breakfast in bed!
  • Video of the book Wonderful World which is accompanied by Louis Armstrong
  • Cooking idea: How about going on a journey exploring Trinidad this week?  Here is a recipe from Cbeebies
  • You could explore Trinidad with these pictures
  • If you have enjoyed the Sadlers Wells family dance sessions you could try the animal episode this week.  

PE: Please continue your brilliant daily exercise. If you would like an extra challenge this week you could try our Basic football skills lesson aimed at Year 2 but we know Year 1 like a challenge too!

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