Year 2 Home Learning – Term 6, Week 3 (w.b. 15.6.20)

Welcome to Week 3 Year 2!

This week we continue to delve deeper into ‘Journeys‘, a topic that the whole school is working on together. Year 1 and 2 will carry on following a lot of the same themes, allowing for consolidation of objectives. There are plenty of chances to really stretch yourself with your learning as we get ourselves ready for transition to Year 3.

Additionally, we feel it is important to offer some materials to support discussion about black history, particularly in Bristol. We know that lots of parents have asked teachers for guidance with this important subject matter and we hop you find the resources helpful.

Below is a summary of this week’s learning to act as guidance only and not a strict timetable to follow. Please continue to  work with the routines that suit your family best. We do ask though, if your child is returning to school, do not complete work from the days your child is in school as, in school,  we will be following the timetable more rigidly.

You should see clearly the work that we are encouraging you to photograph (3 pieces) to submit  into your 2 Build a Profile platform so that we can celebrate your work and give some more feedback. Work completed in school will be submitted by the teachers in the same way.  Remember that other pieces are welcome too, especially things that you are really proud of.

Links to resources are available throughout the plans. If you prefer to see all the resources at once click here.

A link to the timetable can be found here.


Daily reading

Variety is the spice of life! Try to encourage your child to read a range of texts including both fiction and non-fiction. Carry on choosing books for reading, mixed up with games and other activities aimed at the level of your child from the Pearson site. Don’t forget to let your teachers know via your class email if you feel you need the next level. Here is also another digital copy of ‘First news’ if you enjoyed reading it last week. 

Reduced challenge: If you find your child is struggling with their reading it may be worth revisiting some of the phonics work from Year 1. This is great for spelling as well as reading. We highly recommend these videos from one of the Letters and Sounds English hubs.

Reading task

Following the lesson on BBC bitesize you will learn about answering questions using the text, inferring what characters might say to each other and explaining what words mean.


Learning objective: To build your knowledge of word endings and develop your vocabulary.

Have a go at this lesson from BBC bitesize allowing you to practice and apply your knowledge of word endings.


Task 1: Character profile

Learning Objective: To use descriptive language and expanded sentences to create a character profile. 

Watch the next part of Mrs Fricker sharing more of our book. As you are watching, think more about the character of the girl in the story. What do you know about her? How would you describe her? Remember this is not just about how she looks but how she feels and more about her personality. What could her name be?

Write a character profile about the girl. You could use one of the templates or write straight into your book.

Reduced Challenge: Draw the character in the middle of a page. Write what you think her name could be and then around your drawing write adjectives to describe her. Here is an adjectives mat for added support.

Extra Challenge: Contrast the little girl from the Journey story with another character from a book you have read recently. What is similar about them and what is different?

Task 2: Retell part of the story from the girl’s point of view. 

Learning Objective: Put yourself in the place of a character for a part in a story. Use the correct tense.

Following on from yesterday, think about what the girl is thinking and retell the story as if you were the girl. You could just concentrate on one part of the story and describe what is happening and how she feels. Re-watch the video and pause where you need to. Say your thoughts out loud first before writing.

Reduced Challenge: Write a sentence or a  few sentences about how the girl is feeling in just one part of the story. Re-watch and pause the video on the picture that you want to concentrate on.

Extra Challenge: Could you write a diary entry for her? Here is an example to help.

Task 3: Questions for Year 3

Learning Objective: To write questions punctuated with a question mark

What would you really like to know about Year 3? How hard is the work? Are the school dinners the same? Do we still have playtime? Where are the toilets?!? Write down your questions and we will pass them on to the year 3 teachers for you to answer. 

Extra Challenge: Can you type them in an email to us? Remember to ask before you borrow mum or dad’s email address!


Daily Fluency

For tasks 1 and 2, the Flashback 4 sheet should be completed before the tutorial. Three additional fluency tasks are available here.  This week they focus on multiplication. 

Task 1 

Learning Objective: Solve problems using the 2 times table.


Watch the tutorial:  2 Times Table.

Have a go at the flashback fluency 4 sheet first and go through the answers together. Then complete the worksheets in the resources folder above. 

Reduced Challenge: if your children are struggling, watch this tutorial Counting in 2s and complete these  tasks.

Extra Challenge: have a go at this Extension challenge.

Task 2 

Learning Objective:  Recall and use multiplication facts for the 5 times table. 


 Watch the tutorial 5 Times Table.

Have a go at the flashback fluency 4 sheet first and go through the answers together. Then complete the worksheets in the resources folder above. 

Reduced Challenge: watch this tutorial Counting in 5s  and complete these activities

Extra Challenge: have a go at this extension challenge.

Task 3 Investigation:  Catarina’s Cards

Catrina wants to know how many football cards she has collected.

She has filled up five pages of her scrapbook and on each page there are four cards.

Can you show how you would find out?  You might draw a picture or do some jottings (if  your child wants to use counters, you could use pennies or use paper to cut out counter shapes). 

When you have had tried something yourself, click here to take a look at what some other children did. Think about:

What is the same about the three ways?  What is different?

How does each way compare with what you did?

Which one do you prefer and why?

Extra Challenge: ask the children to produce a similar question themselves.  You could do this as a family and then questions could be swapped and children asked to use one of the representations that they did not use originally to solve this new task.


PE – Football

Daily Fitness: If you are happy to carry on with Joe Wicks, Cosmic Kids yoga or your preferred equivalent then please carry on. If you would like an alternative then please access the PE – daily activities. This gives some ideas for fun activities for the family that incorporate the skills children learn in KS1. Please aim for 20/30 mins.

Skills lesson: Ball control

Learning Objective: Master basic movements and apply them in a range of activities.

This week we are starting to learn about ball control for football. Follow the PowerPoint on football skills. 

Warm up first to make sure your leg muscles are warm then we will explore what happens when you kick the ball with different parts of your foot. It is easier to control the direction and flight of the ball with your instep rather than your toes. Make sure your child knows that their instep is the inside of their foot. Practise kicking with both feet, it is natural for one of them to be much stronger at this stage.

Move on to practising dribbling. This is a key skill in football and requires a lot of practise. Start off walking and dribbling in a straight line between markers. When you have practised and feel more confident try running, remember to look where you are going, not at your feet! Next, try in a figure of 8 around the markers.Finally, we are going to learn about keepy uppies or juggling. Keep practising because this is really tricky and we will catch the ball after each kick at first. This clip gives some instructions.

Science – Herbivores, Omnivores and Carnivores

Learning Objective: Describe how animals obtain their food and group them according to what they eat.

This week in science we are looking at how we can group animals based on what they eat. Can the children remember or guess what Carnivores eat? How about Herbivores? Use the presentation Herbivores, Omnivores and Carnivores.

Depending on your discussion you may want to use Option 1 to quickly revise the difference or if your child is secure in this knowledge you can start at Option 2 – Discussing animals. Start thinking about the similarities and differences between animals who eat the same thing. 
Extra Challenge: Can you sort your soft toys according to what they would eat in the wild?

Art/Design and Technology

Learning Objective: Develop a range of art and design techniques.

Please look at the whole presentation before you decide what you are going to do.

You will be following Option 2 and creating a 3D mini-world. There are some examples to look at if you need some inspiration. Choose somewhere you would like to visit (you could be really adventurous and visit somewhere like the moon or the bottom of the sea or pick somewhere you have already visited and love like The Downs or the beach)


Black Lives Matter

To follow on from our letter on Friday, we have put together some resources and activity ideas for you and your child/ren which you can discuss and do together (please look at the slides without your children first to familiarise yourself with the content).  You can deliver these sessions as you like and feels natural to you and your child. 

Well-Being Tasks

Learning objectives: I can say how I feel, be kind and try new things.

Feelings – Keep making time to talk about how you are feeling. You could use the feelings wheel if you made one last week.

Well Being – Try some of the activities on this Wellbeing calendar.

Kindness challenge – This week, choose someone to make smile. Maybe you could tell a joke to someone, or send them a card, or say Hello on Zoom

Watch these children talk about being kind. 

Adventuring – How do you feel about trying new things? Watch the story of The Koala who Couldn’t.

  • Think of something that has changed in your life. How did you feel about it?
  • Kevin is terribly good at three things: clinging, napping and munching on leaf-buns. What three things are you really good at? What skill would you like to improve?
  • Why is Kevin afraid of change? How did his friends help him?
  • What does this story teach us? What does it mean to have a ‘CAN-DO’ attitude? 
  • Can you think of something new to try?

Fill in the Koala Worksheet. Read through the Brave poem poster.

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