Year 2 Term 2 Week 2


  • Another huge thank you to the families who have been buying things from our Amazon Wishlist. We really appreciate it. 
  • FHIS Amazon Wishlist –As a year group we were asked to include items to the wish list. If you are shopping over the next week or so and are able to contribute that would be amazing. Thank you in advance. Click here to go to the Amazon Wishlist.
  • Christmas Card Competition – please see below.  

Open to Primary school children aged 5-11  

Create a seasonal design in any medium and send in a photograph of it as your competition entry.  

You might like to think about expressing a message of hope, or joy or compassion. You might want it to show art bringing inspiration to many during difficult times – any design is welcome if you think it would look good as a Christmas card! 

The winner will: 

  • Have their design printed and sent as RWA Christmas card to the patrons and major supporters of the RWA Light & Inspiration appeal which is fundraising to restore and improve the RWA gallery building. 
  • Get a pack of the cards to send out to their friends and family 
  • Get an activity worksheet and materials to create an artwork at home 
  • See their design featured in RWA online newsletter 

RWA is showing an art exhibition of hundreds of paintings and sculptures that visitors will be able to see once the lockdown restrictions are lifted. A free Resource Pack for primary school children to accompany the exhibition will be on RWA website by 21st November, for anyone to download and use. It might provide some inspiration for your competition entry! 

To enter:

Send a good quality, high-resolution Jpeg photograph of your design (no larger than 20cm and 350dpi) to with ‘Christmas Card Competition’ in the subject line.  

In the body of the email please include; Child’s full name and age, Title of artwork if it has one, Medium and school. Deadline: 30th November 2020

This weeks celebrations

We have loved having the children back in school this week, and they have been busy with all the new learning from Term 2. It has been wonderful to celebrate Bonfire Night with some excellent creative writing. This year we had to imagine we were at a fireworks celebration but this was helped by the power of media! The children wowed us with their creative flair and words choices like thundering, dazzling, whooshing and radiant! We went on a discovery of continents and seas in geography, practising our atlas skills. Money has been a popular topic in maths, which is great as it will be continued next week!

This weeks learning


We will have a cross-curricular focus in our writing this week, learning about castles and life in medieval times. We will begin by thinking about how we can find out about the past and learning about the parts of a castle. The children will label a castle, focusing on perfect handwriting.

We will also be working in teams to research the job roles of different people who lived in castles and using our best persuasive writing to apply for a job. Provided we are all successful, we write a diary entry about our first day on the job. The children must remember to write their diary in the past tense and, for a bonus challenge, must include an exclamation and a question.


We are going to continue learning about money this week. The children will be selecting money and making the same amount in different ways e.g. making 20p – 2x 10p or 4x 5p coins. We will be comparing amounts of money and finding the total of notes and coins. Please continue to use money at home with your children. You can count coins and notes, make amounts in different ways and start to introduce the concept of giving change. 


This week we will be continuing with geography, considering the different climate zone and and how this compares the climate we have in England. We will be leaning new vocabulary like arid, temperate, polar and tropical. We will also be considering how the climate of a country effects the animals and plants that grow in that country.

Click here to see plans for children who are self isolating.

Star of the Week

Class 7- Beth

Class 8- Martha

Class 9- Talah

Click here for this weeks learning if you are self- isolating.

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