The Reception children have had another very busy week both at school and at home. Thank you all for continuing to send in fantastic photos and observations of the learning that your children are doing at home, we do love to see them and it really helps us to plan our next steps. Here are a few photos of what the children in school have been doing.
We have enjoyed exploring pretend snow, although this did get a bit messy! We used our knowledge of descriptive words to find lots of ways to describe the snow.
Jogging around the field for our ‘Monday Mile’ fitness and wellbeing and some wonderful teddy portraits.
We are especially enjoying our google meetings with all the children at home, it is so lovely to be able to have this face to face contact and keep in touch. Look out for information about this week’s meetings.
This week’s Learning
From this week some children will be doing a mixture of in school and home learning. Our in school timetable will follow the timetable below so if your child is doing a mixture of home and school it will be important to follow this timetable to avoid repeating or missing a learning activity.
If you are doing home learning all week you can of course swap it round to suit your week and daily routines. Please use it in conjunction with the planning notes and instructions below.
Remember to watch the Monday message to the class from your class teacher that will have been emailed to you through Schoolcomms this morning.
Whole school Assembly – Watch Mrs Fricker’s Monday Assembly here

Observations – Please continue to send us a daily observation including the Writing and Mathematics highlighted on the timetable and one other curriculum area.
Development Matters – Click here to see all the learning objectives for all areas of the EYFS curriculum in age related bands. Most children are currently working within the 40-60 band.
All the resources for this weeks learning can be found here: Week 4 resources
Story time with the Reception team
We have recorded some stories for you to watch and listen to.
Slurpy Burpy Bear Read by Miss Quinn
Kipper’s Snowy Day Read by Mrs Brand
Let’s Go Home Little Bear Read by Mrs Brand
Jolly Snow Read by Mrs Browne
Please click on this link for this week’s activities: Obstacles and support
We will be thinking about using our words to encourage others.
Daily wellbeing
Monday – Connect – Play a scavenger hunt on Zoom or in your house
Tuesday – Take notice – Gratitude walk. Use your senses when you go out for your daily exercise. What can you see, hear, feel, taste and smell?
Wednesday – Exercise – Magic Door dance (scroll along to find the Antarctica one!)
Thursday – Keep learning – I am/I can Fill in the sheet by drawing something you like about yourself in the star, and something you are good at in the rainbow shape
Friday – Give – Have a clear-out and give unwanted toys or clothes to charity
Communication and Language
Communication and Language
Last week’s information about how to support your child’s C&L development is available in the shared folder
This week please play Kim’s Game to develop concentration and memory skills. Put a collection of 10 objects on a tray ( these could be linked to The Bear Hunt / Winter ) but could just be objects from around the house. Ask your child to look carefully at them for about thirty seconds. Then take the tray away and ask them to call out what they remember. Then cover the things, take one thing away and ask the child to spot what is missing.
LIsten to the CBeebies radio programs Poetry Playtime Michel Rosen the author of ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ presents a series of listening programs about poems, words and sounds. There are 10 programmes so try to listen to 2 each week.
Watch Michael Rosen perform a different more word based performance of the Bear Hunt. Can you read the words and join in?
Enjoy Joe Wicks video’s or similar each day.
This week we are going to start using our school PE scheme ‘Real PE’’ for home learning. You should have received an email last week with details of how to login and use the Jasmine website. Each week the whole school will be following the same theme which will make it easier for families with more than one child!
Real PE instructions
Real PE login
Please also see our other plans which include other activities.
Fine Motor Skills Activities to help develop fine motor skills and pencil control.
This week we are asking you to continue recapping all of the phonemes and tricky words that we have learnt so far. You can access the up to date ‘sound grid’ and this week’s copy of our ‘tricky word’ list here.
Please do this at least twice a day if possible. Your children will earn them best by going over them quickly but frequently.
We will be learning 3 new digraphs this week igh, oa, oo/oo
Please click on the links above to watch the phonics videos recorded by St Peter Church of England Primary school. Children will need a whiteboard and pen or pencil and paper.
The link below demonstrates how to make each phoneme and digraph sound
Please also introduce these 2 new tricky words to your children ‘like and so’. Talk to your children about why they are tricky words (because they can not be blended) and they need to be learnt by sight. You could model putting the words into a sentence and ask them to put them into a sentence verbally.
Daily Reading
Please continue to support your child with our online ‘Bug Club’ reading scheme.
Teacher’s have assigned your child specific books according to their phonic knowledge, blending skills and fluency. Please let your teacher know how your child is getting on with these books.
It is really important to talk to your children about what they are reading, ask them about the characters, what is happening, what do you think will happen next? If you can, encourage your child to use expression when they read to help support prosody with different texts.
Storytime – Please remember that it is also really important that you continue to read stories to your children every day!
Please send us a photograph and observation of this activity.
We would like you to get your children to write a description of their favourite Teddy. Ask your children to describe the way their Teddy looks and feels.
Eg. My Teddy is brown with a black nose.
- Once your child has decided on a descriptive sentence about their teddy, ask them to say the sentence out loud, count how many words are in the sentence and sound out some of the words.
- Get your children to begin to write the short sentence in their writing books, please encourage them to focus on one word at a time, to listen to the phonemes and to write as independently as possible.
For example: My Teddy is brown with a black nose, may look like this: My Tedee is brwn with a blac nos.
- Encourage your children to use a capital letter at the beginning, fingers spaces and full stops. Use the Every Time We Write poster in the folder.
- If your child is finding this difficult they could write a shorter description instead e.g. My teddy is soft.
- Some children may be able to write more than one independent sentence. Ask your child to think about what else they could describe about their teddy e.g. My teddy is brown with a black nose. He is soft and cuddly. He has a red coat with big buttons.
Please encourage your child to use the correct tripod grip throughout the writing session and again please refer to our ‘Everytime We Write’ poster before you start any writing activity.
Find a copy of a letter formation sheet here to help support your child’s writing.
Please remember children are unlikely to get the right spelling, finger spaces or every sound. Encourage children to use their stickability like the tortoise!
Use number cards from the shared folder or make your own.
- Practise recognising numerals from 0 – 10 (or to 20 if your child recognises all numerals to 10)
- Counting up to 10 / 20 and back down to 0 again.
- Practise putting numerals in order and identifying which number is 1 more and 1 less.
- Use objects such as pasta, buttons, lego bricks to practise counting out objects carefully from a larger amount. Count up to 10, then up to 20.
- Numbergym instructions NumberGym Early Years games are good warm up activities
This week we are going to continue using online lessons from the Oak National Academy
We will be thinking about number bonds to 10 and Ordinal numbers to 10 as well as learning about time, the days of the week, months of the year and seasons.
Each day there will be a lesson to watch and an activity from the shared folder.
The links to each lesson are on the weekly timetable.
Reduced challenge – This week there are 2 alternative number videos, also from the Oak academy. Your teacher will have emailed you last week if you should use these.
Monday: Counting to 9 reliably
Friday: Counting to 10 reliably
Everyone can do the 3 time related lessons.
Increased challenge – Children can record each of the number sentences for the Numbers within 10 lesson. Can they spot the pattern?
You will need:
- A teddy to be your talking partner,
- tens frame from the shared resources folder
- 0-10 number track from the shared resources folder
- 10 objects for counting Eg pasta, lego bricks , buttons
- White board and pen / paper and pencil
- Activity sheets for the time lessons are in the shared folder. Week 4 resources
Please watch one of these lessons each day in order to ensure the correct progression.
Understanding the World
People and Communities
Take time to chat about your wider family, perhaps support children to call them and sing a favourite song.
The World
Here is a link to this week’s main exciting activity all about Global Warming
It has been wonderful to see so many of the children on Google Meet Classroom.
The guidance for this week technology options are also available on the above link under The World.
Special times – Birthdays
What are some of the special ways we celebrate a birthday?
Make a picture of your favourite ways to celebrate a birthday.
Story: If a T-Rex crashes your birthday party
Expressive Arts
We know it is the time of the year when we start to see more ice, frost and maybe even snow. We would like your child to try and find some materials in the house to create a repeating pattern icicle. Try and use materials that represent the colours of winter, for example: tin foil, blue paper, bubble wrap, polystyrene etc. Then with the support from an adult can you and child thread the materials onto a piece of string to create a repeating pattern, it might go something like tin foil, blue paper, bubble wrap..then tin foil, blue paper, bubble wrap and so on.
You will need:
- String/thread
- Needle
- Materials to thread
Here is an example of one we have made in previous years.

- Why not make some patterned snowflakes,folding pieces of paper and using scissors to make different designs and patterns.
- Get involved with some more yoga. Here is one about Joybob the Polar Bear.
Links to recommended Websites and Apps
Twinkl Homelearning hub Lots of downloadable resources to support home learning
Numberblocks Series 2 We all love numberblocks. Series 2 includes some of our recent mathematical learning
Todo Math – a free App with lots of games to practise number skills.
Number gym see the instructions here
Purple Mash
Home learning logins below are accessible from this page
Username class1 2019 Password cat
Username class2 2019 Password dog
Username class3 2019 Password ant