FHIS is a friendly, inclusive parent association that meets once a term to organise engaging, fundraising activities. We have a great track-record for enhancing the school and we invite all parents to join us and attend meetings.
We have a wide variety of family-friendly activities planned through the year, with something for everyone.  For regular updates, please join our Facebook page and look out for our emails.  Our events are also listed on the calendar page.


Dates for the diary

If you’d like to help at any of our events or if you have any suggestions we’d love to hear from you! Please email us at FHISinfo@gmail.com  Thanks to all those who have taken part and attended event this year.


                                                              COMING SOON 

Class Reps

We’re all busy people, so to make life easier we run a system whereby each class has two Class Reps, responsible for keeping up-to-date on what FHIS are up to, and feeding back (usually by email) to other parents in the class.  Class Reps also organise socials to help parents to get to know one another.

If you want to contact your Class Rep, please email FHISinfo@gmail.com and we’ll put you in touch.

Committee Members

The FHIS Committee pull together all FHIS activities and manage the accounts.

Chair: Katie Davey

Co-Treasurers: Sally Reed and VACANCY

Secretary: Vacancy

Easyfundraising: Allannah Shah

Sponsorship: Matt Hinks

Second-hand uniform: Abi Reeve

Communications: Maddie Irwin

Committee members:  Louise Walton and John Temperley

We also have a group of key people who form event teams and provide ad hoc skills. Please feel free to approach Committee members with your ideas or if you’d like to offer a particular service or just general support – we’d love to have you on board.

How Can I Help?

Our events provide enjoyment for our children and parents, and income for our school. We rely on support from parents and friends, both coming along and enjoying the events themselves, and running the events so if you can help in any capacity, on the committee, at events or behind the scenes, or simply attending, as much or as little as you can manage, please do come along and help support…

  • come along and enjoy our events!
  • come to meetings, hear about forthcoming events, give ideas on how money could be spent
  • send any ideas or thoughts to FHISinfo@gmail.com
  • volunteer to help at events 
  • help run events – ranging from small to large projects, and some things can be done in your own time – if this sounds like a – good option for you then do email us FHISinfo@gmail.com

Stay in Touch – join us on Facebook

Our closed Facebook page is solely for parents of Henleaze Infants School. We use this to keep friends up-to-date with events and activities, and to celebrate our successes.

We welcome parents and friends to join our Facebook group – you’ll need to be authorised to join. Simply find us on Facebook and request to join: FHIS (Friends of Henleaze Infants School). You’ll be asked to read and agree to the House Rules, to clarify how we’d like the site to be used for everyone’s benefit and the safety of our children. The site is also maintained in line with the school’s E-safety policy and as such we ask that no child photos are shared without the express permission of parents.

How FHIS Works

Friends of Henleaze Infant School is an active and successful PTA which organises a variety of fund-raising and social events throughout the year. We have two principle aims: firstly to raise additional funds for the school and secondly to organise fun, social events for parents and children to enhance our children’s school experiences. Wherever possible, the money raised during an academic year is also spent during that year, so that current Infant School parents and children can enjoy the benefits of their efforts.

FHIS events include the legendary Family Discos, Easter Egg and Treasure Hunts, May Fair (organised jointly with Henleaze Junior School), Fireworks Night and a Quiz & Curry Night.

How the Money is Spent

FHIS seeks to spend its money to enrich school life. The teachers and pupils of the school often have a good idea of what they think might best do this, and their ideas are provided at each Committee meeting in the form of ‘The Wish List’. All ideas are then discussed by the parents and teachers on the Committee before deciding where to spend the money.

Most parents would probably prefer to see the benefits of their fund-raising efforts while their own children are still at the school to appreciate them, so we always try to spend the money raised as soon as possible.

In the past, FHIS has raised funds for several key projects including the provision of a new sound system for the main hall, playground equipment and games, reinstatement and resurfacing of a significant area adjacent to the main playground and ongoing support for the provision of Forest School to Reception children.

Our Sponsors

In the past, the following companies and individuals have kindly given us support and sponsorship:

CJ Hole Henleaze, Wards Solicitors, Keith James Physiotherapy

Right Foot First, Shine & The Westbury Park Tavern

Thank you all!

If you’re interested in sponsoring us in the future, please get in touch FHISinfo@gmail.com.

Stickerscape name labels

FHIS have teamed up with Stickerscape.co.uk to raise funds for the school (and also reduce future lost property in the process!). The school ID code is *70098*. Whenever a customer quotes this number when purchasing name labels, FHIS will earn 25% commission of the sales value. They have loads of products for sale which can be personalised, not just clothing stickers, so please consider shopping with them to support the School.

EasyFundraising – raising funds with your shopping clicks

We’ve registered FHIS with easyfundraising.org.uk, a website that helps collect donations for good causes. Easyfundraising works in a similar way to cashback websites, with the funds raised from purchases at retailers like Amazon, John Lewis, Easyjet and M&S donated directly to FHIS.

Simply register yourself with easyfundraising.org.uk. When you come to make an online purchase, go to the easyfundraising website first and search for the retailer there. When you click through to the retailer’s website a donation will be made (by the retailer) on anything you purchase. You don’t pay anything extra – the price you pay is the same as if you went directly to the retailer. For the retailers, it’s a bit like offering a discount – it makes their customers happy, plus they get to feel good about helping good causes in the UK.

You can register now, and start earning for FHIS too with your shopping clicks…

How to donate

The most common question is “we cannot attend an event, but want to donate something. How do we do that?” Donations are always gratefully received and can be made via our JustGiving page:

or via the FHIS bank account: sort code: 30-99-38 Account Number:01331945. Please use a payment reference starting with ‘Donation’ 

Clothes Bank – making money from your unwanted items

Do you have any unwanted clothes, shoes or towels? Donate them to our clothing bank, and raise money for our school!

The clothing bank is located in the carpark and the school will receive 30p per kilo for donations (including clothing and household textiles, bags, shoes and belts). Now that’s a good reason to clear out the loft…

Second Hand Uniform

Many items of Infant School uniform can be purchased from our Second Hand Uniform sale, with proceeds going to FHIS.

Second Hand Uniform sales take place each term, often with a cake sale hosted by each year group on rotation. You can also find our Second Hand Uniform stall at many of our day events.

Donations should be taken to the office please, and you’ll be shown where to put them – all clothes should be clean and in resalable condition.

Latest FHIS Meeting Minutes and Newsletters

FHIS Newsletter July 2022

FHIS Meeting Minutes 11.01.2022

FHIS Meeting Minutes 29.09.2021

FHIS Welcome Newsletter September 2021

FHIS Newsletter July 2021

FHIS Newsletter May 2021

FHIS Newsletter February 2021

FHIS Newsletter December 2020

FHIS Newsletter October 2020

FHIS Newsletter July 2020

FHIS Newsletter February 2020


Henleaze Infant School © 2024